What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

There’s a paradox with self-improvement and it is this: the ultimate goal of all self-improvement is to reach the point where you no longer feel the need to improve yourself.

Think about it: The whole goal of improving your productivity is to reach the point where you never have to think about how to be more productive. The whole point of pursuing happiness is to reach the point where one no longer has to think about being happy. The whole point of improving your relationships is so that you can enjoy some drama-free cunnilingus in the McDonald’s drive-thru without almost crashing the car.

(Still working on that last one.)

Self-improvement is therefore, in a weird way, ultimately self-defeating.

The only way to truly achieve one’s potential, to become fully fulfilled, or to become “self-actualized” (whatever the fuck that means), is to, at some point, stop trying to be all of those things.

Original Article

About Pharm Ilechukwu

CIlechukwu is the chief blogger, author and Founder of Hypertension Africa. She is passionate about helping men and women successfully reverse high blood pressure and the complications resulting from years of poorly managed hypertension.

She is the creator of the High BP Reversal Method ™ and uses her works to help educate and create sufficient awareness of the world’s number one killer disease. 

Her goal is to help everyone enjoy their best lives in perfect health in spite of getting a hypertension diagnosis.


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