Overcoming One of My Darkest Unspoken Fears

Overcoming One of My Darkest Unspoken Fears


This is how I overcame the Pharmacist Impostor syndrome.

It was a hot afternoon, as I walked down the streets of one of the busiest markets in Port Harcourt, the cacophony coming from their speakers hit my ear from top, left, right and bottom!!!Wetin be this o?From a quick scan of the Rumuokoro roundabout, I found at least five different very loud speakers blaring and spitting into the air….You know those records that play on auto-play from morning to nightSomething along the lines of ‘take this one, e go help you clear staphylococcus aureus, you be woman, you no dey see ya menses, come take this wan, you be man any time you see woman you no go fit do anything, take this wan,you no dey breastfeed pikin but ya breast dey comot milk, na staphylococcus cause am, take this wan, you dey feel hotness in ya belle in all your joints, take this wanYour cholesterol high, or your blood sugar too high, take this wan’Yada yada yada….What is this????!!!!How could this even be legal?But guess what? Till tomorrow, they are there o.These guys, mostly illiterates are there and probably on your streets too, selling these concoctions and ‘bitters’ every single day!And people are BUYINGGGGGGGG!!!!!(if not they would have packed up and changed trade naBut what happens next to those who patronize them?Let’s not even go into those that lace so called herbal concoctions with overdoses of actual drugs/ pain killers and sell them as ‘organic products’ or agbo and people buy and drink to their death, literally!Why do you think there is a sharp rise in cases of kidney failure and liver problems even among youths??????But I digress?On that day as I looked around, I just realized that….IF these guys with no degree, no knowledge of the human body, no idea of what diseases and these harmful organisms they keep chorusing are, who DO NOT EVEN CARE if the potions work for you or not, they just want to take your money and sell to the next gullible or desperate person in pains and looking to try just anything that promises to help….IFPeople can be careless enough to hand their health and future to these people,Then at least people also DESERVE TO HAVE the OPPORTUNITY & PRIVILEGE to work with a Professional, even when considering other available options and when everything else they have tried has failed them….How much more when a Seasoned Healthcare professional, a Pharmacist with over 10 years Clinical experience, with empathy, knowledge and expertise who is ACTUALLY OUT TO HELP provides them with this OPTION to improve the quality of their lives!…In this moment,I recalled the kind of amazing success stories we had created from as far back as 2018, when all I did was do DAILY LIVE videos on Facebook sharing helpful tips of my truth with my Dad and from my Clinical experience…I remember Uchenna my Secondary school mate whose grandma and aunt started walking better with zero pain after 3 weeks applying what I shared with her!I recalled Madam Usman whose Doctor reduced her BP drugs after our first ever 10 Day Fight Hypertension Challenge, Madam Temitope who has stopped using BP drugs for over 3 years now since she started using SAM strategy, 51 year old madam Iheoma who dropped 2 meds in less than 30 days after over 4 years of taking BP medicines every day, Madam O (UK) whose BP returned back to normal for over 6 months now after over 4 years of BP struggles, when she met us her number was above 150/100….madam V (60 yr old) whose BP went from 161/100mmHg while on 3 medicines to 120/78mmHg while on only one 5mg tablet!Mr Yemmie who told me he’s dropped all BP medications since April 30th, 2020 and his readings are STILL Normal till date!The list goes on and on and on… .In that moment, I knew that the naysayers and bad mouthers asking why a Pharmacist should be promoting natural ways of restoring health back to normal should channel their energies elsewhere…..That day I just knew that we have to think in line with the UN SDG3 Goal of Health for all, And that fueled me to launch my Organization to continue to move the ministry forward to the permanent site!.Hypertension Africa, is a Health Coaching Company that leverages on technology to help men and women, just like you achieve and maintain normal numbers every single day with zero to less medications and NO adverse effects using a simple 3-step body repair system..If you would love to get started on your body repair today and join the list of #Champions and #FreedomGeng, Register for our FREE Webinar and see how over 497 others have done it so you can copy the EXACT SAME SYSTEM they used for yourself too!See link in comments to get started. Found this helpful? Please share to save a life!To your Best Life in Super Health,Pharm Chibuamam IlechukwuThe Hypertension Manager

About Pharm Ilechukwu

CIlechukwu is the chief blogger, author and Founder of Hypertension Africa. She is passionate about helping men and women successfully reverse high blood pressure and the complications resulting from years of poorly managed hypertension.

She is the creator of the High BP Reversal Method â„¢ and uses her works to help educate and create sufficient awareness of the world’s number one killer disease. 

Her goal is to help everyone enjoy their best lives in perfect health in spite of getting a hypertension diagnosis.


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