Just last night, Jerry sent me a link (not real name). He wanted to know my thoughts about this particular ‘high blood pressure supplement’ he had found online. They said, it was supposed to be the ‘cure’ for hypertension.
I smiled the moment I got his message. He was about to fall for some broad daylight ‘marketing gimmicks’. It was a good thing he asked me though, because now he gave me the perfect excuse I needed to share about nutritional supplements for high blood pressure, which I had always wanted to do, but never quite found the time,lol
So, if you are reading this post, thank Jerry! He made it possible!
I will try to be pack in as much detail as possible for you here to help you KNOW for yourself -‘Everything about choosing and identifying best supplements to lower blood pressure fast’. I will also debunk some myths and at the end of this article I will even give you a free resource to help you on your path to freedom from high blood pressure struggles.
Maybe you too have been sold nutritional supplements or have been offered all manner of concoctions all in the name of ‘natural cure’. Maybe you have spent your hard-earned cash for a so-called ‘hypertension tea’ or smelly, foul-tasting potions, which you endured swallowing for many months, but at the end, you found out it was a pack of rubbish! You had just been swiped of you money…..
Perhaps in your case, the thing you were taking actually helped you gain some relief, but it wasn’t sustainable for you to keep buying those pricey, a bit expensive ‘premium supplements’ from network marketing companies or internet marketers. Unfortunately, the moment you stopped the supplements, all the better sleep and better blood pressure numbers you were getting disappeared!
Back to square one!
I know, it can be painful and frustrating at the same time, because i have met many people with the same complaint as you.
I will give you EVERYTHING you need to help you make an informed decision next time. You will never fall mugu to any of their enchanting sales copies ever again.
Before we proceed, if you are more after How to lower your blood pressure naturally, then read this detailed post where I shared the three steps to achieve that (with or without nutritional supplements). Go here.
In this post, I will answer these top burning FIVE questions.
1. What is a ‘blood pressure supplement’?
2. What supplements are best for high blood pressure?
3. What are all-natural blood pressure supplements?
4. Caution with High Blood Pressure Supplements
5. High blood pressure supplements Mistakes to AVOID
1. What is a Blood Pressure Supplement?
A high blood pressure supplement is anything you take in addition to your prescription drugs to help you control your blood pressure better.
Most people who resort to or opt for the use of supplements say things like,
“I hate these drugs, I am tired of swallowing drugs everyday, I hate the way I feel swallowing these two or three tablets everyday”.
I hate that I live on drugs and without them I can’t really function.
I hate the side effects of these drugs on my libido and the palpitations and dizzinesss and headaches which do not seem to go away even with the drugs
I prefer ‘natural supplements’, because they won’t have side effects.
And they all complain of the same thing – they are looking for something else, in fact anything else they can take to give them relief.
And that is WHY most marketers capitalize on this desperation and sell you just anything with the promise of total freedom at last,
Sadly the FACT remains that no single supplement can completely reverse high blood pressure!
So why then do we have supplements for high blood pressure?
The role of these blood pressure supplements (provided they are good ones) is to support your blood pressure control. So you only use them as part of your overall natural strategy for perfect blood pressure control.
Watch Free Webinar on the Three Steps to Lower your blood pressure naturally. In this webinar, you will find that I never even mentioned blood pressure supplements, yet everyone of the cases mentioned were able to enjoy excellent blood pressure. Click here to watch this on-demand training.
A blood pressure supplement is NOT necessarily a replacement for drugs or to help you stop taking drugs, but as the name implies, they are used to “supplement” and improve your efforts at better blood pressure control (especially when used correctly), so that you can need fewer drugs.
2. What supplements are best for high blood pressure?
The best kinds of supplements to use for your blood pressure control must be able to do any or all of these things for you.
- Supplements must improve your blood flow through the blood vessels.
- Supplement must improve your heart health.
- Supplements must help you in cholesterol control
- Supplements must have high anti- inflammatory properties.
- Supplements must be from natural original and not synthetic ones
Watch video NOW to get practical examples of such supplements that can do all these.
In this video I mentioned top natural supplements for high blood pressure control.
Here’s the CBD oil brand I mentioned in the video that I recommend and use..
3. Top Must-Have’s When Choosing the Best Natural Supplement for High Blood Pressure
Most people want specific brand names, but there are so many different excellent products on the market, and brands available to me may not be in your local Pharmacy or drugstore.
So, here’s a checklist for you to be able to pick and select a perfect one yourself!
1 Choose nutritional supplements from plants or other natural origin.
2 The supplements must be certified for safety by your country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (not necessarily for validating other health claims on the product- most herbal supplements claims are not validated by FDA, but have a safety approval seal.
3 The herbal nutritional supplements you choose must be third-party tested. This means that a different company or laboratory than the product manufacturers must have tested and certified the constituents and safety of your product of choice.
4. The nutritional supplement must have constituents and quantities well written on the body of the product.
This is especially important, so that if you ever have a reaction to such a product, it easy to identify the cause.
Also, it is necessary to be able to identify the cause of possible interactions or contra-indications with your prescription drugs.
5. The nutritional supplement must be available in standardized doses – capsules or specified liquid measurement.
This is extremely important to prevent overdosing. (This is one major challenge of traditional medicine practice – absence of standardized dosing systems).
4. Caution When Using Nutritional Supplements for High Blood Pressure
No supplement is a cure for high blood pressure
No hypertension tea or singular plant extract. No single product is a cure to hypertension.
Think about it for a moment,
If there truly was such a supplement cure, 1.3 billion people from all over the world would not have hypertension today.
Hypertension still remains number one cause of premature deaths, according to the World Health Organization.
Its all marketing gimmicks!
Those network marketers, digital marketers and herbal concoctions peddlers sell you what you want to hear – the one silver bullet pill…….. and unfortunately they make tens of thousands off your ignorance.
So, does this Mean that All Nutritional Supplements for High Blood Pressure are Bad?
No, not at al.
But I just want you to avoid some of these huge mistakes that many people have made over time with supplements and has cost many of them their lives or brought about complications.
Click video below to watch and AVOID these high blood pressure mistakes.
5. Five High Blood Pressure Mistakes to Avoid TODAY
‘Use supplements as part of your natural strategy and NOT as your natural remedy!
This mistake alone has cost many people their lives, so DO NOT fall for it! Use nutritional supplements as part of your overall high blood pressure control strategy.
When you start out with the three steps to naturally lower your blood pressure, and you’re already achieving good control already by using the SAM Strategy -Subtract-Add-Modify, then you can add your nutritional supplements.
We teach this to our clients inside the BP Meds-free Accelerator Program (BMAP). Supplements come last!
I discussed this in my book,Hypertension: How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally without Medications, even if you’ve had it for long.
It is called be supplement false hope phenomenon.
In conclusion,
Is using nutritional supplements for high blood pressure bad? NO
You must however use a very good one based on the criteria listed above and you must use it as part of a complete natural strategy to lowering your blood pressure naturally. Then and only then, do you optimize the amount of money you spend on them and only then do you successfully get excellent blood pressure control and help you reverse your blood pressure naturally.
Now you know!
Please leave me a comment below. What new thing did you just learn about supplements from this post?
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Ready to naturally lower your blood pressure? Click here to register for the Webinar now