FAQ – Frequently Asked
Questions About The Root
Cause Workshop
Full Disclaimer – as with everything in life, the RESULTS you get from this Workshop depend on the ACTIONS you take during the Workshop, like showing up, answering the questions, filling your Action Plan Workbook and actions AFTER the Workshop, implementing what we teach you to do to UPROOT your problematic triggers.
We have shown you people who take ACTION, the sort of results that can be gotten from applying our principles.
So, over to you, what actions are you willing to take during the Workshop?
And what RESULTS do you wish to get?
The workshop will be held on the 28th and 29th of April, 2024. It will be held on YouTube LIVESTREAM.
No, you do not discontinue medications just because you attend our Workshop. The high BP reversal and getting weaned off medications is a process. We would explain the step-by-step process, which is Doctor-approved. You can only get off medicines when your body has repaired itself and you now get normal BP readings without medicines. We teach you the process and how to safely achieve this during the LIVE workshop.
The workshop is designed to accommodate diverse schedules and needs.
However registering for this Workshop gives you access to the replays.