What If You Could Wake Up to Your Younger, Youthful and More Energetic Body when you NEVER Had to Live on So Many Drugs?

A 2-Day LIVE Experience for persons with stubborn high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight or obese and in constant pain and worry, who DESIRE a SOLID GAME PLAN for Crushing ALL their Health Goals FASTER by March 2022, without more drugs and wasting their hard earned money yet with zero results

First of all, a story……

As he looked at his bed,

he was shaking uncontrollably,

his heart beat even faster



“Will I be able to wake up tomorrow morning?” He thought aloud 

As the anxiety kept rising…


Actually, he  had not slept well for the past two months

And even though he was tired as a log, 

Any light sound even that of a feather would cause him to jump back up  and stay awake


Slowly, be broke into gentle sobs and groaning again, which had fast become his night time consolation

It at least made him feel human – if anything, at least, he could still cry…..



It was around this time that he learnt of Hypertension Africa…..

Someone had mentioned our name somewhere and when he followed my TimeLine on Facebook, he found we were about to host a Mini Coaching Program in August 2021.


Here are some of the heart wrenching conversations from a young man who felt like his life was about to end…

Disease was literally k.illing him,



And despite ALL the tests and all the medications he had been giving and was taking regularly,

All hope was already being lost…

Ten years a slave to disease.


That night, I wept for him as well….

Speedy Fast forward to TWO MONTHS LATER


What happened next shocked every single person!


This young man who almost d.ied of fear and anxiety had totally turned his life around more than 360 degrees!!!!


Check this out

I can imagine you’re jaw dropping, your mouth wide open, you are probably even asking, ‘are you sure it is the same person’? How come? Is this even possible?


You mean in only 2 months? Something he had suffered for ten years????


Mummy, Daddy, I will tell you for free…..


That this is the EXACT TRANSFORMATION that you too can have, within the next 2-3 months if you keep reading to the end to see how it works PLUS if you SAY YES TODAY and SIGN UP for your own Transformation too…..just like this young man did.


SO what exactly did he do?

Let me break it down for you.


Everybody knows NATURAL IS BETTER 


Take a look at the millions of searches every single day on Google, with more and more people asking 


“how can I lower my blood pressure naturally?”

“how can I control my blood sugar naturally with less drugs?”

“ how can I lose weight naturally?”


Yet, even though all these queries exist and answers equally abound online,




Have you experienced them too?

  1. The search engines produce these answers based on all the content that everybody and anybody has uploaded online! This means that even if a ten year old wants to, he can give any answer, push it to free blogs and publish it! Bam! You will also find it online. SO many internet marketers who don’t even care about you or side effects or what you need also flood the internet with what they know you are craving to hear….and you keep consuming, yet NO RESULTS

2. Over 99% of all you consume in Nairaland, online fora and support groups are not even tailored specifically to your needs. It is a one way action, giving general recommendations, but which one asks you, what exactly is your level of the problem, what is the nature of your job, do you have to deal with older or younger kids? It is simply a one-size fit all approach and you are forced to try to adapt the content to your own situation, whether or not you are sure of your actions or not, we don’t know

3. Now even if you find the one that speaks to you directly, there is yet another issue of conflicting recommendations and nutrition facts! It is almost as if there is a conspiracy out there to keep you confused.One Professor says carbohydrates are bad, another one says red meat and more fat intake is better, while another says, blend it, the other one says fasting is the way, the other one says ‘your breakfast is your main meal for the say, the other one says skip breakfast daily’…

So how else can you then USE THE NATURAL WAY to get truly free?

Now PAY ATTENTION to the next Few lines I am going to write…


  • To become completely free of disease the NATURAL WAY
  • To overcome side effects of taking so many medications
  • To stop living in fear of sleep and waking up and fear for your kids and your family 


YOU NEED TO FOCUS – Follow One Course Until Successful


  • FOCUS on Discovering specifically the root cause of the problem(s) in your body and WHY have been getting wrong trying yo do it by yourself all these years

  • FOCUS on using a Solid, Proven, Tried and Tested Strategy to Repair your body from the inside out, no more cut and nail, trying everything at the same time random approach.

  • FOCUS on achieving your SPECIFIC TOPMOST health goal within the next 3 months (yes, if you have no deadline in sight, next year end will still come and you’d still be saying ’I don’t know what to do, I have been trying my best – which is exactly what has brought you here right now)


But how do you go from wasting all that money all that time and even your life in so much pain let me hear anything getting better to getting out


YOU MUST FOCUS – Follow One Course Until Successful


 We know it can be very difficult for most people trying to figure all this out on their own….

It took my family and I hundreds of thousands, spent over two years of trial and error to be able to figure it out……


However, we’ve been doing it with people in as short as a couple of weeks and months

And that is why we have put together this BIG OPPORTUNITY to help YOU if YOU ARE READY TO FOCUS NOW on your Body Transformation Goals….

Are you READY?


A 2-Day LIVE Experience for persons with stubborn high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight or obese and in constant pain and worry, who DESIRE a SOLID GAME PLAN for Crushing ALL their Health Goals FASTER by March 2022, without more drugs and wasting their hard earned money yet with zero results



Date: Friday and Saturday, December 3 and 4, 2021.

Time: 8pm Daily


Who is this for?

And you are tired of praying, hoping, dreaming and continuing like this into the New Year….

And you NEED to know the secret of Mr K I just told you about so you too can use it….

This is what you would get in this My Perfect Body Workshop:

  1. The Maestro Tap-In Technique for Connecting with your Deepest WHY. This is the Starting Point of Push You Faster to Achieving your Goal in the New Year.

Are you FOCUS-ing on fixing your health for you, your kids, your man or woman, for your grandchildren or your dream of growing older in a ripe, full age and walking your daughter down the aisle in style not on wheelchairs?


2. 2021 Honesty Self-assessment Sheets. Completing this Exercise helps you Identify the Root Causes of your Problems, the Struggles and Obstacles and Why You’ve not been able to do it on your own. 

If you don’t know where you’ve failed, you can never know what to avoid and how to fix it.


3. Five Pillars of Implementation

You master the Only FIVE Things that when you have in place ensure you get your Perfect Body with no more disease complications, adverse effects by March 31st 2022.

Intention is NEVER ENOUGH. Hope is not a Strategy. With these pillars, you my dear are unstoppable!


4. Your own Personalized 90 Day Health Goals Smashing Planner . 

Remember how Google and YouTube searches give you tips and nothing more? Your own personalized Planner gives you your Action Steps (which you decide in the Workshop), your Weekly and Monthly Timelines, which when you follow, lead you closer to your Perfect Body Day by Day!


The next thing on your mind, is ‘wow, wow, wow’

You really know what you’re doing.

This is exactly what I need….I can see how this is entirely different from setting new year resolutions

But I am scared, I hope this won’t cost me an arm and a leg?

So, How Much is The Participation Fee?

To be honest with you, If we ever had to do this with you one on one, we would never charge you anything less than N150,000 ($497).Never.


As you must have noticed, this is not a course or a bunch of videos put together. 


This is a mini Coaching Experience with very actionable steps designed to take you from where you are now, confused, uncertain, afraid, tired and unhappy to excited, certain, resolute, transformed and youthful!


However, we want to do something ahead of this end of year celebrations that gives hope to literally everyone, every family and every struggling person by making our transformational content available at next to zero cost, 

So that you can have a headstart into the new year.

This is the ONLY REASON why we have decided to peg entrance fee at a whooping insane discount rate of 


Register NOW (Early Bird)  for just N4,997 or $17

Late Registration – N24,997 or $77

If you are still seeing this now, Don’t sleep on this.

Because there is a catch though……This Will Not be Open at this Rate for much longer.

This incredible Discount rate is only available to the FIRST 35 people only!

When you pay just N4,997 or $17 NOW you can still get in, 

If you miss the deadline or you join late, you pay N24,997 or $77 

Satisfaction Guarantee

Even though you and I know that it is impossible to 100% Risks from you, because we are more than 1000% confident in our Strategies, Trainings and transformational results we have created in hundreds of lives already, we are willing to give you a 200% refund to you IF you attend this Workshop and it helps your life or health in no way at all, Just email us at contact@hypertensionafrica.com, we give you back 200% of what you paid to register (no questions asked). For the records, for the past years of operating since 2017 we have never had a refund request, however just in case, you want to know, we are putting this on here.

Awe-Mazing Bonuses (to make this even sweeter)

  1. Hot Seat Bonus – Available to the First Ten Persons Only.

Get a chance to do 1-on-1 Troubleshooting and Coaching on Day 2, while you ASK me all your “tough” questions (First 10 registrants only)


  1. Live Q&A Session.

On the Program, Questions that come to your mind PLUS Questions you submit as you register while filling the form 


  1. How to Cure Insomnia and Sleep without Drugs.

(Exclusive Interview and Recommendations with a Highly Trainer Physiotherapist


  1. How to Effortlessly Identify BP Lowering Foods at a Glance so you can always have and choose from a variety (10mins)


  1. High BP Triggers Checklist. Uncover at least 15 Hidden and Obvious Causes of WHY Your BP to Remain High, so you can now avoid them. 

What others say about our Trainings….

Hi, I am Pharm Chibuamam Ilechukwu.


I am the Founder of Hypertension Africa and creator of the High BP Reversal Program (HBR), where I work very closely with clients to achieve and maintain Normal Blood Pressures every single day, reverse complications & eliminate adverse effects in 90 days or less! 

I have worked with hundreds of people just like you and we’ve created amazing health and body transformations for them in record time!


Our method is a tried, tested, proven, science-based non-drug approach that promotes healing from your inside out.  This has worked foe 70, 67, 60, 58, 65, 29, 35 year olds and will work for you, IF YOU AGREE 


We created this Workshop to cater to the needs of most members of our Online Community to tackle their struggles. If you’re opportuned to see this, ensure you take full advantage of the opportunity to GET STARTED ON YOUR PATH TO FREEDOM.




Let’s map out your Success Path together. 

This is just our own little way of creating successes for you at next to zero cost to you…..

however, we can only do this for a limited number of people ONLY

Are you truly ready to transform your life?

then  Click the RED button right now!

See ya on the inside!

Total of What You Get Plus Bonuses

  1. The Maestro Tap-In Technique for Connecting with your Deepest WHY
  2. 2021 Honesty Self-assessment Sheets. 
  3. Five Pillars of Implementation
  4. Your own Personalized 90 Day Health Goals Smashing Planner 


  1. Hot Seat Bonus – Available to the First Ten Persons Only.
  1. Live Q&A Session.
  1. How to Cure Insomnia and Sleep without Drugs.
  1. How to Effortlessly Identify BP Lowering Foods at a Glance
  1. High BP Triggers Checklist.

Final Registration  Deadline – 11:59pm Thursday December 2,2021

Just in case the buttons are not working or you prefer Direct Transfers

Pay N4,997 into UBA 1024263871

Hypertension and Wellness Services Limited

Proof to 08035130099 (on Whatsapp)

This site is not a part of or endorsed by Facebook.
Disclaimer – all testimonials are the personal experiences of individuals and and do not replace proper diagnosis and treatment from your physician
Hypertension and Wellness Services Limited 2021 | All Rights Reserved