Imagine waking up to Normal blood pressure of 110/70mmHg without any drugs and no more side effects for the rest of your life….

Finally: the well kept secret of how to crush high blood pressure yourself forever is out, using a tried, tested, proven all-natural 3-step body repair system

This is probably the most important page you would ever read about reducing your high blood pressure by yourself within the next 3 months

I’ll get into this shortly.


Let me tell you how all this came about

It’s about my Beloved Dad

I will be explicit about this as this is personal and very relatable to you reading this

On this day, 10 years ago, his Doctors looked him in the eye and said,
“sorry we can no longer help you you, you need surgery”


What a thing to hear from your doctor

He further worsened the case by adding

“Even when we do this surgery we cannot guarantee that you would get better with it”

These words literally changed his life forever…..

This was the tipping point for him,
the straw that broke the camel’s back..

Before we got to the surgery, here is how it all started for him.


Every single day, what he truly prayed for was the chance to be able to walk me (his first daughter) down the aisle…..with his two legs, not confined to a wheelchair or completely crippled….


Why was he praying you may wonder?
You see, it all began like ‘regular arthritis’ pain, just because he was growing older (we all pray to grow to a ripe old age, isn’t it?)


But before we knew it, it slowly and gradually became a case of constant pain radiating through his legs into his lower back and spine…..


Walking unaided for a good ten minutes became a luxury….

He needed to rest and bend and stretch to achieve such a feat….


His orthopaedic surgeons called it ankylosing spondylitis (Whatever that means)….

Before we knew it, this pain and suffering escalated his BLOOD PRESSURE, soon it was found that his cholesterol was also high, then oh his eyes too…..they called it cataract!

All this for one man….

These multiple events made the doctor recommend Blood Pressure Drugs for him among other drugs.


Where am I going with this?

All this happened in spite of the fact that my Dad is the most religious man alive…

He took ALL his prescribed drugs religiously, everyday…without complaint or hesitation….yet….

His matter kept getting worse and worse….


Till his prayer point became, let me just walk ‘ada m’ down the aisle and perform my Daddy duties to my pride… beautiful daughter.

Why am I moved to share this intimate detail of our health struggles with you?


Because, surely your case is not as bad as my father’s was….

Perhaps it is just this high blood pressure, but it is giving you sleepless nights, palpitations and unrest


Perhaps you’re also so faithful to your drugs, yet each time you check it is 150/100mmHg or more


Perhaps you have done all you can yet nothing seems to be working and so you have left everything ‘ in the hands of God’


I can imagine how you feel because when we were in this struggle, we prayed, fasted, cried to everyone and anyone for help….tried all remedies, herbs, spent hundreds of thousands on supplements yet to no avail…….


I can understand first hand your fear of not being able to control your blood pressure,

That’s why you are reading this on your screen right now……


You know of all the documented consequences of this


You know that uncontrolled hypertension can lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney problem, kidney failure, sexual dysfunction, coma, sudden death etc

I know it’s scary….to live with this unspoken burden, nobody ever talks about…..

Behind the ‘How are you?, ‘I am fine’ we are all accustomed to answering even without thinking…


Most people are dying within……
Different diagnosis….nothing else you know to do


The FEAR……

Sometimes, you take your drugs… other times, you’re just tired,


“Will I really keep swallowing and living on these drugs forever and ever every day for the rest of my life?”……


Some even hide to swallow their drugs …


They don’t want your children to know or see that without these drugs… it is finished, for them….literally……


I understand your Fear, Dear Friend….

Because I saw it too, in my Father’s eyes……

Guess what? The only reason I can share these struggles openly right now, is because IT IS OVER!
Because today, over seven years later, my Father IS GOOD AS NEW at 70!!!!
Dad and I
Oh….he eventually walked me down the aisle with his two legs…

no wheelchairs…

no walking sticks….

No being carried around… my side

It happened for him and that’s why I am bold to share all these!

Infact watch what he has to say…

Not just Him but Countless of others just like you
Read their unedited testimonial screenshots

And it happened not by magic!

It happened because he used the Exact Same Body Repair System I already Shared with you in the Fight Hypertension Challenge – the Mind-Body-Freedom System

In case you missed it

Here they are

Your Mind Liberation:You go from being confused, angry, feeling helpless and overwhelmed to KNOWING THE EXACT WAY OUT of your high BP struggles.

Your Mind Liberation:

You go from being confused, angry, feeling helpless and overwhelmed to KNOWING THE EXACT WAY OUT of your high BP struggles. You now put away all fear and limiting beliefs. You know for sure YOU WILL CRUSH high blood pressure completely and be FREE to enjoy your old age with your kids and grandkids.

Your Body liberation:

You go from not knowing what to do, to specifically adopting an all-round healthy lifestyle that detoxifies, revitalizes and self-heals your body from the inside-out, leaving you feeling younger again and enjoying lower blood pressure naturally. Everything you eat and drink is in line with the Subtract-Add-Modify, SAM Strategy.

Your freedom activation:

You are now a Pro in maintaining your numbers within the normal range, detecting any potential sources or causes of spikes, and you go for your periodic medical checkups bouncing confidently into your Doctor’s office and out, because it’s all good results and reports. You are now in charge of your health outcomes.

This is where I come in

I have got Good News for you

I know your case isn’t as bad or critical as my Father’s, so what’s still your excuse for wallowing in fear and dying in silence?


Even if it is I can help you as I helped my dad and others

You need to know this

Something else I found out since I started sharing this with thousands of people just like you since November 2017, is that


This formula I just shared isn’t enough without someone being there to hold you by the hands and take you in the journey step by step

That’s what made my Dad and other clients of mine win this HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE WAR


Last last, Implementation is the koko!


Action Brings RESULTS

To become Good As NEW and wake up to normal numbers as low as 110/70mmHg with disappearance of all your side effects, you need the FIVE PILLARS OF IMPLEMENTATION

  1.  A full-blown strategy and roadmap – use the Mind-Body-Freedom System
  2. Accountability- do you do what you said you would do. Did you stop drinking alcohol when you promised you would?
  3. Consistency – how long can you commit to a new healthful habit, even as simple as walking 5 mins a day?
  4. Review – have an expert tell you the truth and point out the blind spots for you, areas you can tweak and improve on to get results faster
  5. Countdown – this might be the most important of all – to get results, you need to SET IT AS A GOAL – set your timer NOW- set an actualization date – YOUR FREEDOM DATE! How would you love to be FREE 90 Days from now?

Yes or No?

Now if you have just said yes to this and you've read up till this point, chances are, you’re also thinking right now “what is the fastest way for me to TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW and get my results in 3 months from now?

Now pause for a moment and re-read that statement….

How would you love to be free from this struggle, burden and pains you have carried over year after year for all these 3,5,7,10 years, within 3 months from now?

And trust me, many other men and women just like you have done it….so can you….


To even help you further I also thought about you, about how best I could help you get the results beyond the challenge.


Now while I may never be able to come to your house and wake you up every morning
I took the pains of instilling the FIVE PILLARS of success for you….in addition to the tried, tested, proven all-natural 3-step body repair system


I came up with a clever way to walk you through a weekly schedule expertly designed to help you get results within the next 90 days


And so I’ve put together the best of the best of all my 10 years of Clinical Experience working in the Hospital, Community pharmacy, my over 4 years of Health Coaching experience and all the real time experience from supporting my Father, and all hundreds who have passed through our programs and created the Fastest way for you to Implement And say Bye Bye to High BP Problems!

Introducing the High BP Reversal Program
The High BP Reversal Program is a 3-month exclusive coaching and accountability program for people with hypertension over 3 years or BP readings over 140/90 and experiencing signs of complications, to help you normalize your blood pressure with zero to less medications

This is how you crush years of suffering under the burden of hypertension.

Just so we are clear, this Program is NOT FOR EVERYBODY.

Who is this HBR Program for?

If you said YES to any or all of the above, then READ ON….
This Program was created specially with YOU in mind…..

This is the Only Program that will support and literally hand-hold you all through from where you are right now, uncertainty, fear, doubt, overwhelm, self-pity to where you really desire and should be

a place of pure undiluted laughter, certainty, energy, being in the Shows and Events you want to be in, walk down the aisle with your daughter, dancing proudly at your kid’s events etc



Some of the Packed and Hidden Benefits many of our users enjoy, which you can enjoy the moment YOU SAY YES TO YOUR FREEDOM includes

  • Better blood sugar control (below 100mg/dL)
  • Better total blood cholesterol levels (below 200mg/dL)
  • Your happiness and confidence returns
  • You lose weight and become more physically fit
  • You stop experiencing all those adverse effects of medicines (because you ultimately need less of them anyway)
  • Your skin glows
  • You sleep better
  • You feel lighter
  • You can now dance and play with your children…& grandchildren without severe pains
  • And of course your blood pressure normalizes (always below 130/80mmHg)

Tell me, is there any of all you have tried (drugs and all) that can give you this kind of result???

So Do You Say YES to this Transformation in your Life???

Then you’re going to Love the Complete Breakdown of What You Get in the HBR Program
The 3-step body repair system is Broken up into Weekly Action Steps for you You also get all the Tools, Resources and Support You’d Ever Need, Provided on a Drip/as needed released basis.

Here is the Summary

14- Weekly Released Video Lessons (short & less than 15 mins each) & Implementation Paths of what to do per time

  • 14 Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls & Q&A to help you along
  • 3 Monthly Expert Review Sessions with Tweaks and Recommendations for faster results
  • An Exclusive Facebook Group for Community, Accountability and Support (aka #FreedomGeng/ #Champions)
  • Weekly CheckIns (every Sunday) to help us monitor your progress from our own end
  • Downloadable, Weight,  Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Transformation Track sheets for the 3 months
  • Dedicated Whatsapp Group for Daily Nuggets and Motivation Tips to keep you going
Here are the Details of Each Lesson

Week One: OnBoarding /Prepping Your Mind & Body Right

Acknowledge ALLYour Start Points and your Goals & Milestone Setting Mind Detox techniques to help put you in control of your outcomes The Fastest Ways to relieve stress, burn down 3 level-deep limiting beliefs Getting your family and loved ones on board To ensure speed and success

Week Two: Full Body Detox

A Force-Stop method to clean out years of toxin build-up in your cells, blood vessels and organs. A full washout of destructive free radicals damages, purifying and cleansing your blood vessels, without the use of any supplements. Some people record better sleep and feeling lighter the moment they start this! This comes with full recipes, shopping lists and plans

Week Three: How to Lower Your Blood pressure Fast Using your SAM-Strategy Based Meal Planning

This meal plan is based on 3 different diets, and also on the DASH plan (Dietary approach to stop hypertension). There are custom-built ready-made meal plans, but if need be you can get your personalized meal plan based on your needs. These meals are based on your food types, busy schedules, your native meals, food preferences, job schedules, with the right amount of all classes of food to help you lower your blood pressure, without starvation or deprivation!

Week Four: The Fastest Fitness Guides for High Blood Pressure Control

How to keep fit, maintain a fit body, improve your blood flow, strengthen your heart muscles, have flexible joints and body without registering in a gym OR in spite of your busy schedules This takes into consideration your tight schedule Ways to have enjoyable exercise with as little as 10 minutes everyday

Week Five: Strategic Supplementation for Quicker Body Healing

Hand- picked best nutritional supplements types to speed up your body repair Supplements that strengthen your heart improve your blood flow Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant supplements Immune boosting supplements Cholesterol modulating supplements Electrolyte and minerals balancing supplements While ensuring that DO NOT interact with your prescription medicines

Week Six: 7 Consistency Hacks to Keep

You Going even when you Don’t Feel like it To win at this game, you need to maintain consistency. You use hacks by the World's Top Habit trainers and your Consistency Cards and tracksheets

Week Seven: Leisure Snacking & Juicing to Lower High Blood Pressure

Because this is NOT A STARVATION plan, you get 35 fruits and juices to choose from to keep your belly full while controlling your blood pressure as well.

Week Eight: SuperCharge Your Weight Loss

3 science Proven Methods to Help you Lose More kg’s for persons who are obese and trying to burn fat without slimming teas or starvation or dangerous diet gimmicks unsafe for your health.

Week Nine: Body Detox Pro

A repeat body detox and Body Reset including recipes, guides and Guides to keep up your metabolism and help you maintain complete body alkalization.

Week Ten: Overcoming the Plateau of Latent Potential

Depending on your start points in the program, many people get discouraged when they don’t get their transformation fast. With this Lesson, you immediately see what’s really happening within your body and how to push through the ‘slow phase’ to enjoy faster results.

Week Eleven: Becoming Your Own Doctor

You are now a key player in your own health. Learn the rudiments of tracking like a Pro, maintaining good numbers, detecting causes and sources of spikes, what to do about them, when to go for your medical checkups.

Week Twelve: Mindset for champions

All our past members are called Champions! So are you! You become part of the #FreedomGeng True healing starts in the mind. You learn some more powerful mind healing habits and manifestations of the true champion you now are.

Week Thirteen: Perfect BP Forever

As the program winds to an end, members are typically very reluctant to leave. We teach you the secrets of maintaining your now perfect BP going forward, detecting spikes, when to visit the hospital for checkups and immediate care etc.

Week Fourteen: Course Correction

This is a Complete overview of ALL your Trackers, weekly check-ins, numbers, results and sticky points and your roadmap for going forward in leading your best life in super health

So How Much Investment for YOU to Get Into this Mind-Blowing Health Transformation Program?

As you must have already noticed, this is NOT JUST ANOTHER COURSE or group of videos or List of How To’s, this is a Complete Life and Health Transformation Immersion for you,

An opportunity tailored for you to potentially wipe off all your years of struggle, pain and guesswork and replace it with a practically newer, more energetic body, with zero adverse effects and zero pains.

Much unlike no drug or supplement on earth could ever do for you

I can imagine you are already thinking, wow, I love this, this is exactly what I need, how much is it, Let me enrol immediately

In fact, when we asked most people, what would you give to have your life back?
They said Priceless! It would mean the whole world to them

Now I could easily charge you $2,000 (N1,400,000) for this Solution and you can agree with me it would be worth every cent and kobo…

I know you too know many programs that offer way less and cost even more

Plus the fact that I would be with you every step of the way, devoting my time, expertise and energy to support you closely for the next 3 months.

However, at this investment point, I am aware that many of the people who need this may not be able to get in, so I have decided to put this program at an investment point that in fact anybody, who is really serious about fixing their health once and for all can and will be able to do so easily and immediately

No I won’t charge you the full value, I won’t bill you half ($1,000) of the true value

I will make you an insane offer right now, that is impossible to resist

When you PAY N149,997 ($1,000) in full right now, you save N15,000 immediately and get —–access to the Complete HBR program instantly!

And a Full Payment Instant Bonus of:
-a 1 Hour 1-on-1 Deep Dive Session with me to personally address ALL your personal health concerns and to customize your journey for you



-a #freedomgeng parcel delivered to your house address FOR FREE* containing ALL your hard copy weekly Lesson worksheets, recipes and guides, your customized Champions Tshirt & a special gift for you.

How to Enrol NOW in Three Steps

1. Click on your Chosen Plan

2. Instantly send me a Direct Message to schedule your 15-min call

On the call, we ensure that you are right fit for our Program & that we can help you. You also get to ask any clarification questions you may have.

3. We send you the payment link and you complete your registration.

(We have an 85% admission rate, if we can’t help you we let you know)


P.S. for International payments, we send you the Direct payment link after your Call


Here is the catch though,

Even though this is very reasonably priced and I want everyone to get a chance, yet I want to be able to give my best to you in the Program.

Therefore, we can only admit ONLY 7 people into the HBR Group Coaching Program and only 3 persons into the Exclusive 1-on-1 Program.

Either way, this offer is only valid and expires 12 midnight, Sunday December 4, 2022 or once the Timer hits zero

Offer expires 12 midnight Sunday, December 4, 2022


Don't take my word for it, Check out some more success stories of men and women just like you….who jumped on a similar offer and are now enjoying the quality of their lives better

52 year old Madam Joyce reverses 10 years of hypertension

51 year old Madam Iheoma reverses hypertension

If you think this offer is too good to be true wait till you see the amazing bonuses you unlock instantly

(Yes we take care of every other aspect of your health for YOU)

As you can see, the Bonuses are even nearly the same worth as the Program itself.
Are you Ready to Move Forward with Fixing your Health Now?
Who am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Pharmacist Chibuamam Ilechukwu

I am the Founder of Hypertension Africa.

I created this Program simply to give people like you who have lost hope in medicine or in your bodies ever getting or feeling better to have a second chance at bouncing back and regaining your health back.


Another reason I took the pains to assemble this is, because back when my Father needed this kind of help, we found absolutely nothing- no program like this at all to guide us or hold his hands. We were alone with pure trial and error, and it took him a full 2years plus before he could regain his health.


Not like the unbelievable 3 months it has taken many of our clients as you can see to literally bounce back to life!


This is for a world where nobody needs to die from complications or carelessness due to high blood pressure and related diseases. 


Would you love me to be in your corner for the next three months cheering you on in the #FreedomGeng?

Then, Click the Button Below to sign up NOW , Let’s do this!

You’ve gat this!!!!

To your best life in super Health!


Even Though this is a Coaching Program expertly designed in response to multiple client experience and needs, to give the greatest support and help you’d ever find anywhere, yet the speed of your results is ALWAYS going to be definitely linked to your TAKING ACTION.


But here’s our Guarantee, 

If at the end of the full 3-month Program with us, you have Zero result and No improvement whatsoever to show for your ACTION, and you can show you followed weekly with your CheckIns all through, we give you your money back, we also DO NOT want to keep your money IF we didn’t help you.


We’ve compiled some of the questions we have received in the past that you may have too
As you can see, this program is head and shoulder above foods and exercises. This is a well designed step-by-step week by week program with everything you would need at every stage within your journey and it is based on our tried, tested and proven 3 step body repair system, whilst also incorporating the 5 pillars of implementation in order to ensure you get results.
From experience, the only way this won’t work is IF you do not use it. So, question, do you want it to work for you? Then enrol now and use it. Plus this same method has already worked for people of all ages, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s all evidence-based and proven to have worked for all ages no matter how long they’ve had it. Plus what exactly were you trying to achieve with the dieting you tried? This is NOT a diet plan, this is a high BP reversal program. Dieting is just less than 1/10 of the complete framework of this Program.
The main question I always ask whenever I hear this (and I hear it a lot) is ‘what exactly have you been watching out for? This is because, ‘watching what you eat’ is very general and most everybody does that. Yet the moment people use our framework to eat in order to lower their blood pressure, their BP immediately starts to drop. Why? Because NOW, you are ‘watching what you eat’, so that you can lower your Blood pressure. So, would you love that?

Well I understand that for some people paying in full can be a stretch and we know that moving on with a high BP reversal program is a major investment because you need to have skin in the game and it’s really not about the amount you pay versus
-what you really desire to achieve
– and the commitment you make to yourself to fix your health.

But really, if we wanted to do some bit of maths, how much in all have you spent already on looking for solution to your BP problems, Yet did it solve it???

How much do you spend monthly on medicines and supplements? Can you multiply that by your lifetime? By the remaining years you’d spend on earth by 12 (number of months in a year). It won’t be too hard to see that in comparison, a one off investment at this current price point for a long lasting solution is definitely a much better deal than everything else that just gulp down your money, yet the problem still remains. So, do you still think this program is expensive?

so long and cumbersome however as you can see with just make everything a piecemeal so each week the video actual video lessons is never going to be above 15 minutes so your time commitment is really just watch the 15-Minute lesson gets the action step and then implement and then turn up for the coaching lesson on Saturday evening to have a discussion and know where you’re at and prepare your heart and mind for the next week ahead so basically it’s a ball 45 minutes 1 hour for coaching call 15 minutes for lesson for the week and there you go implement but we also do want to make it to swim and just a few things and leaving out everything you would still need so it’s all broken up and roll out a first three months to really make it flexible for the person who does a halftime
We have worked with men in the past and we understand that your wife may be in charge of the cooking and shopping and meal-planning. Each registration however lets in only one person and that is why we have a Bonus module on getting your spouse along in your wellness journey. Once she gets to understand and support you, then she can equally support you in the implementation
Great question. So we have thought about you and because of the robust holistic complete body repair systems we use, we are able to work on so many other diseases at the same time. E.g obesity, high blood cholesterol, diabetes etc. However it is very important that you let us know up front what exactly are these health challenges so we can confirm for you IF our scope covers them. Please let us know on your Call

Believe no one. Lol. You have read up till this point on a page about high BP reversal for a reason. Why??? My guess is that even though you have been made to believe that there is nothing you can do except to live on all the drugs for the rest of your life, yet something in you hates that verdict and is searching for a way out!
Well, congrats you just found overwhelming proof of how others like you, are getting out of that mass misery they’d also heard in the past. My question to you is, do you also want to really be FREE? If yes, If I were you, I would try out this high BP reversal system NOW for myself and not wait till it gets too late and nothing else can be done. My challenge to you is, even if you like, enrol for the first month only and see how you feel by yourself in the first 30 days, then you can go ahead to believe whomever you wish to believe. Deal? Then go ahead and click on that button and sign up now. Because guess what? It would be so terrible if you failed to embrace help because you believed on person’s report about your life.

Great question. In fact, the program is designed with busy people in mind. The weekly lessons are very short and concise and straight to the point (all less than 15 minutes). The only other time involvement is the weekly Coaching Call on Saturdays, which you can join from the comfort of your home and even if you miss, you have a full one week to catch up before the next.

Yes, we treat all reports and results of our clients with topmost professional confidentiality and strictly needed to be able to give you our best recommendations. We do not sell or transfer your data and all your success stories can only be shared with your name on them IF you grant us permission to do so. Otherwise all your personal data is secret and safe with us.
No this is a Group Program where we carry every one along at the same time with an already laid down curriculum. This helps keep you accountable. However we try to personalize the experience for you and answer your questions during our Live Coaching Calls so please make maximize the opportuni
No matter how long you have had your case, research has shown that 90 days is more than enough time to give you a headstart for you to see marked improvement and huge results in your health transformation. So we have chosen this sweet spot. However if at the elapse of this duration, you still want to remain in the fold and keep having us supporting you (some people find it reluctant to leave because they enjoy the support and attention to details), we have the option of continuing supporting you and we discuss that with you.

You are right. If truly you’re not switching into ‘denial mode’ and making it sound better than it is, then YES, This program is not for you. Please get our Do-It-Yourself BP Crushing Program course which gives you actionable steps to crush high BP yourself. You may require all the handholding this program offers.

More testimonials


If you just scrolled down to this point, Below is a Summary of what you get when you ENROL NOW in the High BP Reversal Program (HBR Program)

You can either enroll in the Group Coaching Option (available to a closed knit group and privacy assured) 


OR you can opt for the Exclusive 1-on-1 Package, where you and I alone interface for your maximum privacy. 

There are some perks to paying at once. Click the Button to get the FULL Details and Apply Before the deadline elapses NOW.

This offer only Admits 7 Group Coaching clients & 3

1-on-1 clients and expires 12 midnight, Sunday, December 4th, 2022.


Here is the Summary

14- Weekly Released Video Lessons (short & less than 15 mins each) & Implementation Paths of what to do per time

  • 14 Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls & Q&A to help you along
  • 3 Monthly Expert Review Sessions with Tweaks and Recommendations for faster results
  • An Exclusive Facebook Group for Community, Accountability and Support (aka #FreedomGeng/ #Champions)
  • Weekly CheckIns (every Sunday) to help us monitor your progress from our own end
  • Downloadable, Weight,
  • Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Transformation Track sheets for the 3 months
  • Dedicated Telegram/Whatsapp Group for Daily Nuggets and Motivation Tips to keep you going

Instant Bonuses

Disclaimer – All testimonials are true representations of experiences shared by users. This Program is Strictly a Health Coaching and Health Support Program and is not meant to diagnose, treat or take the place of proper medical diagnosis and examination by your Physician. As always, consult your Doctor.