Now what I am about to REVEAL TO YOU here on this Page has the ability to change your life forever and wipe away all your midnight tears and secret cries of ‘God when’,
However it all depends on if you START TO USE from TODAY this SECRET I am sharing with you!
It doesn’t matter if you are
Not only will you lower your blood pressure, you’ll also address any damage already done to your arteries.
And did I mention you’ll avoid the side effects of medications?
If your heart is beating faster while you are reading these jaw-dropping experiences of men and women like you,
Don’t worry, I will also Give You the Opportunity to Join them within the next Few Minutes …..
But first, a story…..
Warning – What I am about to share with you will give you goosebumps….It is such a passionate story with over a million lessons….
you will be able to see many of them as you keep reading till the end…..
So stay with me….
The date was August,
The place was in a distant village,
The sun was blazing hot….
Beads of sweat ran down my back beneath my black chiffon shifty gown,
As these hot tears escaped and sped down my cheeks threatening to smear my mascara and expertly baked pancake– covered brown face
I managed to scan the crowd, as almost every single person was busy fighting back their tears, some were blowing their noses into their handkerchiefs, others fixed their gazes at just one spot, without blinking
As she continued screaming……
It was too painful to behold, but we all had to remain at the spot
Good thing I had the cover of my dark shades to hide my eyes, which by this time had already lost the battle, I could feel the redness….
Her screams and uncontrollable back and forth jerking while threatening to jump into the 6 feet was too heart breaking to watch….
She had just finished performing the rite of ‘dust to dust, ashes to ashes’ using her bare hands to pour sand into his grave…
As the handymen gingerly swung their shovels wham wham thrusting red sand heap by heap to cover his beautiful white and gold casket…
‘Nkem, this was not our plan!’
This was not our plan….
This was not the plan….
She screamed ….
Honestly, even as I write this line her I can still hear her strong voice coarse from hours of wailing
This was not our plan….
This is the backstory that made this doubly unbearable because really,
This could not have been the plan!
(not that any death is bearable, but then when a man leaves behind a very beautiful wife in her late thirties with not adult kids, it seems almost unfair)
According to the story, he was an extremely wealthy and handsome businessman, who by all standards, had a very bright future and a great life ahead of him.
About five years prior, while applying to travel on vacation with his family and during the medical screening, it was discovered that he had hypertension.
He got some medications which lasted him about a month,
Upon exhausting the supply and having ‘rested well’ during the vacation, he believed that he was now okay!!!!
If only someone had told him that simply resting is not a cure for hypertension!
But alas, I am getting ahead of myself…..
Because, exactly four years later,
This man passed out one night while taking his bath.
Upn being rushed to the hospital, they discovered that his blood pressure had spiked extremely high at over 200/112mmHg.
In fact, he had just suffered a stroke!
That experience turned out to be the beginning of the end.
Because it was from one complication to another, one recommendation to another, one supplement, massage, physiotherapy and rehabilitation session to another.
I believe it was about 6 months later, the worst hit!
His kidneys packed up too…one then the second one!
How could this be the plan?????
He became a regular dialysis patient, three times every single week just to STAY ALIVE
This went on every week for five straight months!!!!
Ahhh,,,I can almost hear you say, ‘Thank God he had the money!’
What if he didn’t?
But seriously, can you imagine the number of tens of millions of cash they were burning monthly to keep him alive??????!!!!
Can you imagine the number of people that would have died instantly if they developed chronic kidney failure?
How could this be the plan?
A close source to the family said one day he just told the wife to STOP the dialysis, that he wanted to at least leave something tangible behind for the wife and kids.
This terrible complication of this deadly k.iller disease, hypertension was draining every penny he had amassed and all the sweat, sleepless nights, contracts and deals he had worked with over the years!
Can you even imagine how hard it must have been for him to reach this selfless conclusion?….
His wife had almost turned a skeleton herself from caring for her vegetative husband…
Such a woe you can’t even wish on your enemy!
How the good, perfect life turned into a nightmare, just because …..high BP!
Anyway, i cannot even confirm the details of his passing, all I know is one day we heard it was all over for him
He had kicked the proverbial bucket and made his painful exit …..
Now you understand why I had to share this with you? This has to be one of the most painful ways to lose a loved one!
As the piano played the the well-known hymn of ‘….it is well, it is well, with my soul’ I managed to find my feet and walked far away from the sounds…as her screaming continued to fade in the distance
‘Nkem, this was not the plan!’
But Why did I remember this story today?
And why am I sharing it with you?
The real truth is that this story has changed me forever!
Whenever I have to write or speak about hypertension, I can’t get that statement off my head,
‘This was not the plan’!
And that’s why I am persuaded to ask you today,
“What is Your Plan?
And Are you working towards it, with Everything in your Power???(so Help You God)
According to the World Health Organization, 10 million people died last year alone linked to this same hypertension
Many more million people had strokes and many have had their lives, legs and hands permanently deformed forever because of this same disease!!!
Did I tell you that this man in the narration wasn’t even 50 yet???!!!!
In my years of practice, I personally have worked with and seen countless 26, 25, 29, 30, 31 year olds with severe hypertension….
So high blood pressure is no longer a disease of the elderly!
Write this down
But did you know this shocking FACT, that nobody else is telling you, (apart from telling you to keep praying against the enemies and the evil village people firing you with arrows) –
So why then do millions of people continue to suffer badly from uncontrolled high blood pressure and die needlessly leaving behind their loved ones to wallow in everlasting pain and grief?
Do you have a Plan ?
To escape this on-going Hypertension Pandemic????
I will tell you what a Perfect Plan Looks like, so you can Copy it Immediately
My name is Pharm Chibuamam Ilechukwu, I am the Founder of Hypertension Africa with over ten years of Clinical Experience and the Creator of the High BP Reversal MethodTM that has helped thousands of men and women suffering from uncontrolled high blood pressure to be able to achieve and maintain normal numbers every single day with zero medicines and no more adverse effects.
A couple of months ago, in May 2021 our work with many hypertensive patients in Africa during the pandemic, preventing them from unnecessary hospital visits and emergencies was featured in the World Virtual Congress organized by Hypertension Canada among many other international outstanding recognitions.
Can you see me in the picture?
So if you have tried everything to lower your BP and nothing worked and you are worried that you’re going to live on drugs for the rest of your life, and continue to ‘manage all the discomforts you are feeling in your body right now
…DON’T Worry, I have an amazing ‘Plan’ that you can Use to become FREE from high blood pressure, without adverse effects/
I will share FIVE of some of the most common I have seen and tell you WHY THEY FAILED YOU…
Now I am NOT about to say your drugs are bad and that you should throw them away (only the prescribing Doctor will be able to tell you which drugs to discontinue)
BUT, if you’ve been taking your prescribed medicines long enough you’d have noticed that even the best and most active drugs can only work for a maximum of 24 hours and by tomorrow morning, you have to swallow yet another one for continued protection. Yes or NO???? Oh and let’s not even go to the side effects of poor libido, cough, headaches, tiredness and palpitations that many of these drugs cause you to endure everyday as part of the package!
This particular one pains me so much, because it can fast become a waste of exercise if you are losing so much weight and yet, your BP remains so high!
Don’t get me wrong,
Losing weight if you are overweight or obese is very good, but failing to target all your other triggers will not make you control your BP naturally without drugs and a waste of gym membership subscriptions!
Well, I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but simply watching what you eat when you already are suffering from high BP and complications simply won’t cut it!
That’s what every human being with ‘normal BP’ should be doing anyway- watching what they eat.
If you doubt me, then why has your BP not normalised since all these years of ‘watching what you eat’?
It is simply because what You need instead is ‘eat to lower your Blood Pressure, specifically!’ …..
can you at least see there is a Huge Difference in the name even if you still can’t understand how they differ…..
But I’m getting ahead of myself here …
I once had this woman that told me she had bought every multi-level marketing company supplement she could lay her hands on (by the way, many of these guys have some of the best and active natural supplements around) . However, after spending well over N250,000 on products, the moment she stops taking the products, her Blood Pressure shoots back up! N250,000 and counting!!!!!
My question to you, if you’re compulsorily going to live on supplements for the rest of your life, what’s the difference between these and your drugs? Plus most are even many times a costlier alternative???!!! Isn’t it?
This is the big one! There is a very huge booming industry that they have ‘opened on many people’s head! Have you used it too?
At the end what happened?You’re still here on this Page reading this closely…
I have a Master’s degree in Pharmacognosy and I spent time studying many medicinal plants and their properties, so I will tell you this for FREE, exactly why even this ‘legit looking method’ method fails too.
When they sell you smelly roots, herbal concoctions or even hypertension teas and tell you to take it for 7-30 days as a cure for high BP, they have lied to you based on one assumption – they assumed hypertension is same as malaria or itching or toilet infection!
In fact, let me ask you, why did you stop taking the roots?
Natural ‘remedies’ only work for acute infections like boils, rashes, cough or catarrh, whereas a chronic disease like high BP can only respond to an “long-term” or ‘chronic’ approach!
Let me paint this picture for you…
Let’s say that you are facing a lot of office-related stress, sleep problems, high cholesterol and you are obese and someone sells you a hypertension tea, can that tea tackle ALL these factors that you and I know are contributing to your high BP?
This is exactly why you will keep wasting money on them and yet they cannot work for you, and not for anybody else….
At least, not for the long-term, at best, they can give relief and make you feel a bit lighter; they can even make you purge and urinate often but never three-year long relief.
I can imagine you are probably thinking, WOOOOW!! WOOOOW!!! WOOOOW!!!
If all these things i thought would work, cannot save me, what then is the way to successfully Normalize my Blood pressure?
If you’ve said,
YOU are the Only One That Can Say Bye-Bye to High BP Forever!
That’s exactly what madam Iheoma did to start getting teenager-like BP readings even at 52 years of age
This is why you need a Clear Cut Strategy for reversing high BP,
A tried, tested and proven strategy that has worked across different countries, races, ages too
If you miss any point,
You have an imperfect body
But the worst part is…
Maybe you’ve also been believing this myth that you cannot reverse high BP and that once you start taking drugs you have to live on the drugs for the rest of your life and you have already resigned to fate…
The hard truth is
That is why I need you to listen carefully…
High BP can truly become your life’s eternal burden and biggest problem ever the rest of your life, especially WHEN you don’t ACTIVELY STOP IT NOW from growing worse in your body and IF you are not ACTIVELY REVERSING IT FROM TODAY…
Has your Doctor ever increased your needed daily drug dosage from say 5mg to 10mg or from 10mg to 20mg?
Do you currently swallow more than one drug today, but when this things started back in the day, with only one drug you are fine?
Are you beginning to notice that even with your daily drugs you have been taking your BP never seems to go lower than 140/90mmHg? Unlike before when the drug was successfully controlling it?
Are you experiencing more and more adverse effects caused by the BP. Like sleep problems, chest tightness, constant headaches which were not there many years ago??
What exactly did you think is happening?
If these are EXACTLY the signs you are already experiencing in your body,
Then my Dear, Your BP has been getting worse!!! It’s beginning to eat you up very very gradually….and trying to overwhelm your organs one by one….
I know this is why you’ve been struggling to find a solution to this embarrassing problem, which we all hide under the perfume, pretty hairdo, mascara, lashes, skin toning and nice and flashy cars.
You’ve pretty much tried any one or two of some of these solutions I mentioned above or maybe even some I have left out, yet they didn’t work for you.
I know this because the only reason you’re reading these very words I’m writing right now is because you still have not been able to normalize your blood pressure and yet you want to regain your health and joy as quick as possible which is EXACTLY WHAT I am going to help you do
…and for the first time in a long time, I’m publicly making this available to those who have suffered from high BP for so many years – a super effective solution to help you CRUSH High Blood Pressure Naturally By yourself
And one of the major reasons this Do-It-Yourself BP Crushing Program works so well better than anything you’ve ever or will ever try is because of this particular High BP Reversal MethodT™
This is because
It Targets the Root Cause(s) of the high blood pressure in your Body (which of course is different for everyone) so that it then STOPS the progression of the disease and REVERSES it!
It focuses on healing your body from the inside out which no other method ever does, and the result is your own healed body now re-learns to control the blood pressure by itself to the extent that you will no longer need the drugs to do that for you anymore! This right here is HOW all these people have been able to get off everyday medications!
Their body has been doing the job perfectly for them!
It is SPECIFIC to you. YOU are the one with the problem, you know your body better than anyone else, you apply the strategy on yourself, based on your exact needs and you heal yourself – nobody and do it better than you for you! This method empowers you!
In fact, you won’t even believe it in a few weeks from now (some have even done it in days!) When you’ll discover your BP normalizing naturally, you’ll have to pinch yourself to come to terms with the huge surprise that you too will finally become high BP free!!!
You can even be jumping up in utmost joy
Over 90% of people live in denial and continue to say they are doing better than they actually are. Here you have to SPELL it all OUT! Identify EVERYTHING that this high BP has caused and cost you over the years. So You Can Answer the Question – How Bad Is It? This is also YOUR FIRST STEP to FREEDOM because You cannot Crush What You Do Not Acknowledge
What is Your Triggers Number? How Many Things in your Life Right Now are Contributing to Pushing Up Your Blood Pressure? Hint – Most People find at least FIVE more than they could identify on their own after this section – These are your Hidden Triggers.
When you Uncover ALL your Triggers, your problem is 50% solved already.)
Learn the Three Levels Deep Techniques of Overcoming High Blood Pressure from your Mind, including all sources of stress- whether it is job-related, family, relationship stress or loss of a loved one or heartbreak, divorce, or severe painful conditions.
Learn specific techniques like the CCR Techniques etc to help you become high BP free much faster than you ever thought possible
Learn How to Do a Deep Cleanse, and clean out years of drug metabolite buildup, stress, inflammation, painful conditions, free radicals, wear and tear without supplements or pills.
Clean out ALL your organs – skin, liver, kidneys, digestive tract and colon, stomach etc using the methods taught.
Learn how to use the Powerful Subtract-Add-Modify formula to plan everything that goes into your mind so you can Eat specifically to lower your blood pressure (not just watch what you eat)
This SAM Strategy guarantees your body healing from the inside out.
Learn how with just 15 mins daily you can lower your blood pressure even without registering at the gym!
Best part is, you learn how to fix this exercise into your routine no matter how busy you are.
Learn how to strategically add the right combination of micronutrients and natural supplements to speed up the results you are already getting by this stage!
Supplements that can help keep detoxifying your body, boost your immunity, strengthen your heart, improve your blood flow etc.
Learn everything you must look out for when tracking your numbers daily frequency, how to measure, what to include, tools
How frequently, what to watch out for, the best tools to use in tracking your blood pressure
Learn When to Visit your doctor for them to review your prescription drugs. Learn what to take along to your medicines review
Learn what to do if you still get scared when you walk into your doctor’s office and your BP shoots up
Have you ever attended a training and felt like you learnt so much you don’t even know where to start? Well, not this one! After each of the 3-Day Deep Dive Lessons you get a Downloadable Actionable Worksheet for you to Fill Immediately, and Focus on so as to personalize your Lessons for you and you can start to Take Action Immediately!
Remember, it is this same ACTION that BRINGS RESULTS!
I can imagine you are already jumping and asking, how much is it? Let me enroll immediately
In fact, when we asked most people, what would you give to have your life back?
They said Priceless! I can pay anything to be whole again. It would mean the whole world to me, they cried!
That’s why you’d agree with me that I could easily charge you (N150,000) for all these THREE Deep Dives Sessions and it would be worth every kobo and cent…
I know you too know many programs that offer way less and cost even more
Plus, the fact that if it clears up your High BP struggles, it has liberated you for a lifetime! And nobody, not even I, can take that away from YOU!
However, if we charged the REAL VALUE of this Program, I am aware that many of the people who need this may not be able to get it, so I have decided to offer you this program at an investment point that would blow your socks off!
An enrollment figure that anybody who is really serious about crushing High BP can and will be able to do so easily and immediately
So, NO I won’t charge you the FULL VALUE, I won’t bill you half (N75,000) of the true value either
Here’s my insane offer right now (only available on this page and nowhere else on the internet or our website)
If the link is NOT working or you prefer Direct Transfer,
Please pay N14,997 into UBA 1024263871
Hypertension and wellness services Limited and send proof to
or Whatsapp (Rosemary on 08035130099)
Here is the catch though,
Even though I am offering you this insane investment discount today, just because I want everyone to get a chance, this will only apply for the next 5 days or the first 50 people (whichever comes first!)
50 or 5 days!
If you Want it, Get in NOW, while you still can!
Yes, of course you should listen to your doctor…but do you want to be a slave to blood pressure medications for life IF indeed there was a way to get back your health, BP and body? Wouldn’t you rather stop feeling he;pless and wishing AND take action TODAY, treat yourself and get off meds using the High BP Reversal MethodTM?
Will You Be Among Them?
That depends on YOU as we only FOCUS on those who are ready to Kick off High BP from their lives in no time.-
The online Do It Yourself Training Program is specifically designed for YOU if You are Ready to say Bye Bye to High Blood Pressure and its complications
If you don’t know the EXACT NUMBER of Triggers you have causing your blood pressure to shoot up (both hidden and obvious) you can never successfully normalize your BP. Calculate your Triggers Number with this Guide. You learn how in the Workshop Lesson 1.
You already know You Need to Cut Down on Salt, but to what extent? And how do you do so? More importantly, how do you still enjoy tasty meals? Use this Guide for mixing and matching of salt alternatives and replacements
that will Help You Speed up your Healing Process, Jazz Up your Cooking while Boosting your Immunity Naturally so your Energy Levels and mood improves (with One of Africa’s Leading Spices Producers)
In less than ten minutes, learn this powerful little-known 6-step technique and use it to cut your stress every morning, making you more focused, productive and energetic with your daily work
You NEED more than just foods to lower your blood pressure, this short 16 min video shows you ELEVEN different juices you can drink, combine and enjoy to help you lower your blood pressure faster and more easily.
These three Secrets You Must Know and Use to make sure your Chosen Meal Plans work for you faster! Whether you create your own Meal Plan using Lesson Two of this Program or you simple use our Done-for-you High BP Freedom Meal Plan (that comes within the BP Foodie Bundle).
This will help you stay CONSISTENT with your meal planning
Never walk alone. Join our weekly live training sessions on different areas of health, with sometimes guest experts, enjoy daily tips, ask your questions, interact with over 2,000+ on this wellness journey who are committed to fixing their health by themselves!
Are You Ready to Unlock all these Bonuses Right Now?
Are you Ready to Move Forward with Fixing your Health Now?
If for whatever reason (or no reason at all) you’re not 100% thrilled with the results, we’ll refund you on the spot—just reply to the email we send you after you order.
All I ask is that you contact us within 30 days of ordering. I don’t care if it is 29 days, 23 hours and 15 minutes!
Because after you try implementing only Lessons One and Two, you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds.
I want you to:
And, with your doctor’s blessing, I want you to avoid the terrible side effects of blood pressure medications.
Enjoy the rest of your long life without worry!
I want you to be free to:
Your first step is to click the Order button below and get your hands on these amazing blood pressure exercises right now.
As you can see, this program is head and shoulder above foods and exercises. This is a well-designed Program detailing every aspect of what you need to do to restore your mind, body and freedom from high BP
I already explained why this mindset is a failing formula. So, if you already ‘watch what you eat, yet your BP is still high, isn’t that evidence that you need more than just watching what you eat to get freedom? We give you the 3 steps to high BP freedom on this Program. And if you also want a High BP Freedom meal plan, please get our BP Foodie Bundle as you checkout. we offer it to you at 50% off!
First, the discount on this page is based on two conditions – first 50 or 5 days from the first day of this offer, whichever comes first.
So, if you really want to take advantage of the huge savings as much as possible, now is the time
Secondly, you can look at it this way, even if you don’t buy now you would still spend for a lifetime on more drugs???
So which is easier?
you can choose to invest a lump sum at once towards getting your freedom from High BP or you save up.
By the grace of God we will keep this Program available as much as we can, and whenever you no have the funds you may check back. However you’d most likely have to get in at the full rate of N35,000 or whatever the going rate will be in the future.
I can imagine how you feel about even your Doctors trying and yet not able to give you a relief. I am truly sorry to learn that. However, do you know we created this Program for EXACTLY this purpose. When nothing else has worked for you, then definitely THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED. Work your body from the inside out! You can see so many people who have done so with much success on this page. Why not join them too instead of continuing to complain and lament and yet getting nowhere.
Also, if you would prefer a more personalized approach and hand holding experience especially IF your own case has lasted fro more than five years and you feel you cannot ‘do it on your own’, please apply to our High BP Reversal Program instead.
This one comes knocks Me Off all the time. Here’s the short answer to that – I truly want to help you that is why we have given you the chance to INVEST a tiny sum of money into your health through this Program even a t 60% off on this Page!
Truth is if you pay nothing, then I am doing you a disservice, you will never get any sustained tangible result either.
So do you value yourslef and freedpm enough to invest this tiny amount right now? That’s the real question here.because I can understand how you want something of immense value of 0 class that would immediately negative value having said that I really do want to help you and that’s why I’ve made this next to nothing I mean imagine put sensually curing yourself of high blood pressure for less than the cost of a good pair of slippers or a good pair of shoes it’s insane!
And you know it in cell we’re giving you the opportunity to literally change your life forever but it’s ok I don’t know what more help can do better than that besides your transformation actually begins when you come next fill it with making that first that was it without that commitment forget it nothing ever changes for instance I show you been googling and tried also someone but it never work because you never really committed to any process it was just a little bit of here a little bit unfair so I really want to help you that’s why I’m giving you a chance to invest in your body through this program at next 20 cars coming but less than the cost of the good pair of shoes but if you all about the free.
we have a whole lot of free bunch of free content that you can ask to your knowledge base however we cannot guarantee the kind of results you’re get compared to when you go deep like we do on this program
Good question – this is a highly condensed version of that. The HBR Program is 3 months long, this is just a week long and you implement it on your own using our resources. The HBR Program is a Coaching, mentorship and accountability group where we hold you responsible every step of the way and is best suited for highly critical cases.
From experience, the only way this won’t work is IF you do not use it. So, question, do you want it to work for you? Then enroll now and use it.
Plus, this same method has already worked for people of all ages, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s all evidence-based and proven to have worked for all ages no matter how long they’ve had it.
Plus, what exactly were you trying to achieve with the dieting you tried? This is NOT a diet plan; this is a high BP reversal program. Dieting is just less than 1/10 of the complete framework of this Program.
Great question. So, we have thought about you and because of the robust holistic complete body repair systems we use, we are able to work on so many other diseases at the same time.
E.g. obesity, high blood cholesterol, diabetes etc. However, it is very important that you let us know up front what exactly are these health challenges so we can confirm for you IF our scope covers them. Please let us know on your Call
Yes, we treat all reports and results of our clients with topmost professional confidentiality and strictly needed to be able to give you our best recommendations. We do not sell or transfer your data and all your success stories can only be shared with your name on them IF you grant us permission to do so. Otherwise, all your personal data is secret and safe with us.
You are right. This program is especially for you, because we will show you EXACTLY how to reverse this your own case in less than 30 days Guaranteed!
In fact the earlier you tackle it now, the earlier you get your result and avoid ever getting critical! Enrol right Now, buddy!
Make up your mind now, Dear Friend….
Because, right now you’re facing three simple choices:
Do nothing.
Watch your blood pressure and health risk spike.
You know this will almost unavoidably lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or something worse.
You’ll worry about your health every day, knowing that each moment could be your last if your heart or head give in.
Be a slave to medications for eternity.
Yes, of course you should listen to your doctor…but do you want to be a slave to blood pressure medications for life? Or do you want to take action, treat yourself naturally, and get off meds?
The side effects will slowly do you in. Here are just a few examples of side effects taken directly from a government-run website :
You can also try to (perhaps successfully) make drastic diet changes and work out day and night. This will definitely help your high blood pressure, but will it reverse it?
I don’t think so.
Use our 3 easy blood pressure exercises.
The effectiveness of this Program has been proven by numerous individuals using it from four different continents. Thousands of people have benefited from them.
Most importantly, they have NO side effects!
The choice is yours and yours alone, but make it now.
High blood pressure is like Russian roulette; every minute you wait, the trigger is being pulled and your risk of harm increases.
The only thing that you can do to unload the chamber right now is to click the Order button below and make this the best day of your life.
Click this Button Below to Order Now…
So here you have it?
If you just scrolled down to this point, here is a Summary of what you get when you ENROL NOW in the DIY- BP Crushing Program Plus 8 Amazing Bonuses!
Valued at over N250,000
With Regular Price of N35,000
SAVE N20,000 right now, PAY N14,997 only
How To Do a Full Body Detox to JumpStart Your Healing Process
How to Plan Your Meals, Drinks, Spices using the SAM Strategy for Blood Pressure Control
How to Use 15 minutes Exercise Only to Control Your Blood Pressure
How To Do a Full Body Detox to JumpStart Your Heeling Process
How to Plan Your Meals, Drinks, Spices using the SAM Strategy for Blood Pressure Control
How to Use 15 minutes Exercise Only to Control Your Blood Pressure
How to Use Strategic Supplementation for Faster BP Control
How to Track Your Blood Pressure like a Pro
Ready for Your Doctor’s Review?———————
Your BP Triggers Checklist
Identify the Best Salt replacements to Use and Still Enjoy your Meals –
Learn Over 50 Uses of Wonder Natural Spices
How to Burn Your Stress (No Matter the Cause) using this Simple Power Morning Routine
11 Juices and Drinks to Lower your Blood Pressure Naturally
7 Shopping List Tips and Tricks
3 Meal Planning Secrets
Lifetime Membership in an Online Wellness Community – Hypertension Africa Community
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life Forever Beginning Right Now?