ATTENTION: Lower Your Blood Pressure Safely & Naturally 

BP Mastery workshop: Interactive Online 3-Day Workshop that will provide you with EVERYTHING you need to master your body and crush your high blood pressure without taking any drug in 30 days or less.
Even if you had it for years.

Due to popular demand, there are limited Spots Available! Apply now!

Are You at Risk Because of this Silent Killer?

We’re surrounded by poor choices. The behavior we exhibit daily in this modernized world can cause blood pushing against our arteries at a high force causing what is known as high blood pressure, without us even knowing. High blood pressure can result in health problems such as heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, memory loss, cognitive decline, and low life duration.

Are You Sick of Taking Medications Without Getting Any Satisfactory Results?

Whenever someone gets hypertension, they realize that they need to start taking medications. You don’t want to continuously live on and swallow all those drugs every single day all year round forever. If you feel as if you are doomed because you think you’ll have to rely on medications forever to lower/control your blood pressure.
This does not have to be the case.

Do You Want to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally? But Don’t Know Where to Start?

As a life transformation coach who has worked with many blood pressure patients, I’ve seen many patients who’d like to lower blood pressure naturally but don’t know where to start.
If you are in pain because you can’t seem to do it on your own, no matter what you’ve tried.
You are tired of the trial and error, smelly concoctions – you find on Facebook, Google, Naira land, friends, and family recommendations all over the place –
then this is great news for you.

Master Your Body, and Crush High Blood Pressure Yourself!

There are ways that can modify your high blood pressure situations, meaning changing or altering all the risk factors that are caused by poor lifestyle choices and/or habits. Modifying your daily habits can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, and lowering your risk of suffering from life-ending diseases.

This BP Mastery Workshop will give you EVERYTHING you need to adopt ways to lower your blood pressure in 30 days.

You’ll get Three Full Evenings (Weekend) of Live Coaching, Case Studies, Daily Worksheets, Questions to your Deepest Answers you’ve Never Shared and Complete Access to the MBF Method of High Blood Pressure Reversal so you can copy it Exactly,
and Get Results Fast!

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Here's a Breakdown of What’ll be Covered Daily

  • Deep Dive, Uncover Your Start points and Acknowledge Them.

(99% of people say they are better than really are. This is the sole reason hypertension kills 7.5 million people every year! It is silent! Most people ignore it, but to master your body and crush high blood pressure in 30 days or less, you must acknowledge ALL your start points. This is YOUR first step in your high BP freedom goals.)

  •     Uncover All Your Triggers 

(When you know the root causes of your High blood pressure, your problem is 50% solved already.) Unfortunately do you know HOW MANY triggers you have, including the hidden ones you thought were nothing? Now you will uncover them all

  • Mental Detox – Crush Your Limiting Beliefs in Less than 10 minutes 

(Your Mind is the most important player in your health! However for many people, thoughts of sudden death, fear, uncertainty, doubt, helplessness hold them sick forever. These limiting beliefs holding you back from freedom are 3 Levels Deep. In this Lesson, you will identify them and learn simple proven techniques to crush them daily in less than 10 minutes only!)

  •     How To Use the Body Detox to JumpStart and Invigorate your Body to Freedom.

(No, you do not need detox capsules or pills or expensive supplements. Knowing this method alone can clean up years upon years of wear and tear and burden upon your liver and kidneys – people have recorded improved sleep using this strategy)

  •     How to Meal Plan the RIGHT WAY (the SAM Strategy) using your Foods, Drinks, Spices etc to lower your BP faster.

(Most people think it is only ‘tell me what to eat and avoid’ that counts – it is the Subtract-Add-Modify (SAM) strategy that brings complete body repair and balance faster. We show you practicallyhow you can start to use the SAM Strategy)

  •     How to Use 15 minutes of Exercise Only to Control Your BP Better.

(99% of people dread exercises and believe it is strenuous and painful. We show you how to effortlessly combine it with your other Body Renew Strategies in just 15 minutes. Best part is that it can fit into whatever your schedule is – however busy you are.)

  • How to Use Strategic Supplementation

Using any supplements before this stage, no matter how good or expensive, may actually be a waste of your hard-earned money, because the moment you discontinue them, the whole problem resumes.

Can you relate?
Learn what is and How to Use strategic supplementation to accelerate your results

  •     How to Track Your Progress like a Pro

Want to jump up every morning and be confident of your next readings even without checking? Learn the secrets of How to Track-Like-A-Pro.
Use the Do’s, Don’t’s, Maybe’s, frequency, intervals and best tools to track your BP like a Pro!

    Ready for Your Doctor’s Review

Of course you MUST proudly visit your Doctor to review your progress and your prescriptions!
This is the very last step in the MBF formula for high blood pressure reversal.

You need this lesson

(Total Value of individual Sessions together– Over N150,000 / $375 worth)

JUST $49/- OR N14, 999/ TODAY

Prefer Direct Transfers?

Pay N15,000 now to

Access Bank |Echeta C.E.

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Who Is This Workshop For?

Men and women who have had high blood pressure for 2 years and counting.

Anyone who wants to lower/control blood pressure without using drugs.

Anyone experiencing different levels of these pains: chest tightness, chest heaviness sometimes when they lie down or general body weakness, headaches, difficulty in breathing, palpitations, poor libido etc.

Anyone who has tried all sorts of unsatisfactory treatments: smelly herbal preparations, very expensive nutritional supplements.

Anyone who feels helpless, confused, and unsure of what else to do about their hypertension situation.

Anyone who fears the unknown - each time you hear that someone had a stroke or that someone slumped and died. This worsens your fear and that’s why you know you need to find a way out, and act pre-prepared.

Anyone who is looking for a solution for a healthy life but doesn’t know where to start.

Anyone who wants a natural and safe way to fight blood pressure.

Why Should You Trust This Method?

It was found and systematically developed by a Pharmacist with over nine years of clinical experience and working closely with hypertension cases in both the hospital and community pharmacy settings.

It employs a tried, tested, and proven three-step method that guarantees to bring your body back into control and balance so you can enjoy your best life with perfect blood pressure control and super health.

Don’t Take Our Words Only.

These are men and women just like you….already crushing it just because they took a chance on themselves and invested in their future.

Normal Blood Pressure doesn’t stop here...Leverage these bonuses to transform your life completely

When YOU sign up for the BP Mastery Workshop you unlock the following bonuses immediately.

  1. The Simple SAVERS routine [Value – N5,500] You see stress is one of the greatest killers of our time!

Get the behind the scenes tour of how to use the SAVERS routine every morning to cut your stress in less than half!  – Short Video

2. Your BP Triggers Checklist [Value -N5,500] – Identify the number of ALL the Hidden and visible causes of your high blood pressure so you can focus on Eliminating them during your 30-Day Countdown.

3. How to identify the best Salt replacements for you [Value -N4,500] – You already know You Need to Cut Down on Salt, but what do you replace it with? SO that your food does not become tasteless or un-eatable, learn ALL the available replacements for variety.

4. 35 Perfect juices and snacks for high blood pressure control [Value – 6,500]. Using Foods is great, but using your snacks and drinks is even greater! Hit your BP control goals with ease using this 1-page resource

5. 7 Shopping List Tips and Tricks [Value – 4,500]- If you want to lower your blood pressure naturally, being strategic about your weekly and sometimes mid-weekly shopping lists is still another major best practice you must imbibe, Without the stress of thinking about what goes into your shopping, when, and why. The ‘7 shopping List Tips and Tricks’ will help you with every shopping list have you need to know so you can: 

6. 3 Meal Plan Secrets [Value – N3,500]If you want to lower your blood pressure naturally, you must understand the secret weapon of using an expertly prepared meal plan, without the stress of trying to figure it out on your own. The ‘Meal Plan Secrets’ will help you with knowing exactly what makes the meal plan …and you, powerful, so it can:
I.  WORK FOR YOU even if nothing else ever worked for you before

7. ASK All Your Burning Questions [Value -N15,000]- When You Register NOW and Join the LIVE Workshop you get 3 Q&A sessions after Each Deep Dive Session to address all your hidden pain points you could never share openly. And you receive Direct Answers to apply immediately. This alone is worth ALL your years of trial and error!

8. You also participate in our Body Repair Customization Program [N9,000]by filling out the Request Form where you provide us with any other details of your health concerns e.g. diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis pain, etc.

So we can address and customize your Repair journey for you at the Workshop.

9. Daily worksheets after each Daily session [Value-N15,000] to help you begin implementing (which brings results) even while on the workshop

hypertension Africa Community

Lifetime Membership  – Hypertension Africa Community 

Just $49/- OR N14, 999/- TODAY(Original Price $560/- OR N224,000/-)

Prefer Direct Transfers?

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We know it is underpriced right now, but we just want to get this Program into as many hands as possible and put them onto the path of healing, hence the Promo rate, but we cannot guarantee you that it would remain at this giveaway price much longer.

Because of the nature of the in-depth nature of this Program, we can only host it once a month to give the opportunity, and the way out to YOU who are plainly tired of, confused, and helpless due to the years of pain and enduring signs of failing health!

Some Other Benefits of Joining This Workshop

There is NO single drug or medication that can give you
these kinds of benefits all at once.

Meet the Trainer

Chibuamam Ilechukwu – I am a Pharmacist and Health Transformation Coach.
Founder of Hypertension Africa and the Creator of the High Blood Pressure Reversal Program (HBR Program formerly BMAP).

I have helped hundreds of people just like you achieve their health goals naturally following our unique processes. My goal with this Programme is to help you achieve excellent and unprecedented high Blood Pressure Control NATURALLY and SAVE YOU THE PAINS of the disease so you can come out stronger and healthier on the other side!

And, yes... this is NOT for everyone!


If you’re at that point where you feel like, enough is enough. And realize that, you’ve got to do something about this misery, then…

…this Workshop is all you need to start the journey towards healing.

BP Mastery Workshop was created by keeping in mind the average daily routine of human beings…so that… anyone can integrate the Insights easily and fastly into their daily lives.

Now, make no mistake about it.

Even though this offer is Open right now, we cannot assure you it will be open forever…
…because of the unique pattern of our programs, and what we want – a close-knit number of persons we can truly attend to and serve! Hence, we can only serve 20 people per time…
…And trust me, many people visit this page daily so we are sure this will be sold out quickly!

Register Now for BP Mastery Workshop (Only 20 Seats Available) + Get Bonus Insights to Transform Your Life Completely!

EVERYTHING you need to master your body and crush your high blood pressure without taking any drug in 30 days or less.

Prefer Direct Transfers?

Pay N15,000 now to

Access Bank |Echeta C.E.

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Refund Policy

If you’ve paid for quite a number of courses online…
…and some have been plain hocus pocus! …and it’s such a bad feeling and you don’t want to get manipulated again…
…so, here’s our “You Deserve the Best Guarantee” to you, once you sign up and go through all the material you receive instantly within the first 24 hours even before the LIVE Workshop.
If for any reason whatsoever you feel our program can’t serve you, write us back immediately and we give you A FULL REFUND– no questions asked!
However, we know you aren’t here for a refund….you want a solution to this problem and THAT IS WHAT we are poised to offer you!

Register Now for BP Mastery Workshop (Only 20 Seats Available)
Get Bonus Insights to Transform Your Life Completely!
(Only In $49/- OR N14,999) – Limited Time Offer

For those who are already signing up, this is what’s going to happen next . . . 

The moment you click the button below and fill out your card details in our secure processor,

A single page will be opened to you where you

Click to JOIN the Workshop Private Facebook Group to access all your bonuses instantly, so you immediately get a headstart!

Click to fill out your details in the Body Repair Customization Form so we will immediately start including your own NEEDS for the Workshop

You will also receive the Zoom join link 3 days to the time & via Facebook group for the LIVE workshop

You see . . . it doesn’t matter to us if you sign up right now or not. We’ll still be going about our daily business and helping people fix bring their bodies back into balance with absolute certainty and hitting our company goals—whether you join our Workshop or not. 

However, without our help, you’ll ALWAYS be working harder, going round in circles with trial and error more than you really need to. I know it sounds kind of harsh, but I think you’ll agree that it’s true.

Just in case, you scrolled here first, this is a concise list of ALL YOU ENJOY when YOU JOIN NOW the BP Mastery Workshop

Day 1: Mind Liberation Day – How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Fast Using Mind Liberation Strategies?

  • Deep Dive, Uncover Your Start points and Acknowledge Them.
  • Uncover All Your Triggers
  • Mental Detox – Crush Your Limiting Beliefs in Less than 10 minutes 

Day 2: Body LiberationHow to Become High blood Pressure free Using the Body Renew Strategy

  • How to Meal Plan the RIGHT WAY (the SAM Strategy) using your Foods, Drinks, Spices etc to lower your BP faster.
  • How To Use the Body Detox to JumpStart and Invigorate your Body to Freedom.
  • How to Use 15 minutes of Exercise Only to Control Your BP Better.

Day3: Freedom ActivationHow to Maintain Your Normal Pressure Going Forward

  • How to Strategically Supplement for Best Results
  • How to Track Your Progress like a Pro
  • Ready for Your Doctor’s Review? What you need


 And much, much more!

 This makes everything you get well over N224,000 in value! ($560 actually!) And you can get it all for just N14,999 or $49 today!

Prefer Direct Transfers?

Pay N15,000 now to

Access Bank |Echeta C.E.

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We set out to create the most comprehensive step-by-step system that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in the healing of your body. We don’t just tell you what to do, we show you multiple case studies of men and women (some way older than you) who have followed the exact steps here. So when you follow the step-by-step instructions, you’re going to get the experience of producing real results for yourself.

Absolutely! Yes! No matter how long you have had it for, the principles remain the same and this is the best place to start. You would also see case studies of people who’ve probably had it longer than you. But you just have to get started.

Great question! We thought about you and so you get all the recordings of the sessions sent to you after the Program

Register Now for BP Mastery Workshop (Only 20 Seats Available)
Get Bonus Insights to Transform Your Life Completely!
(Only In $49/- OR N14,999) – Limited Time Offer

Prefer Direct Transfers?

Pay N15,000 now to

Access Bank |Echeta C.E.

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