For Persons with Stubborn High BP, on two or more meds, have side effects or complications signs and READY to REVERSE IT…


Let our Health Coach help you GET Clear on How YOU Become High BP Free within the Next 90 Days or Less, and you determine whether the High BP Reversal pacing Programme is the Best Fit for you (or not)

First, Watch the Video….

How to Apply

  1. Click on the button below

  2. Pick a date and time that works for you. 

Call Duration: 25 mins 

3. Answer a few questions. This gives us better context of what you’re going through ahead of your conversation. (We reserve the right to cancel scanty  or non-existent responses)

4. Receive an immediate email confirmation with your Zoom Join Link for your appointment. 

5. Show up on your chosen time and date. Join the Call with Your ZOOM LINK.

On this FREE ZOOM CALL, we will achieve THREE THINGS:

  1. Establish the extent of your BP related problems (aka Start points)

  2. Unlock Your Difficulties in Fixing your health yourself

  3. Get CLEAR on your Next Best Steps to your High BP Freedom



You Have Watched our FREE WEBINAR titled: 

The Hidden Secrets of  SAFELY & NATURALLY Reversing Stubborn High Blood Pressure  Using YOUR LIFESTYLE  which our Clients have Used to Stop Swallowing Pills Every Single Day 


(Not seen it? Click here NOW to REGISTER & WATCH IT)

Madam Nkiru (Lagos) reverses ELEVEN different complications, including obesity and dropping two and half of her meds in just 3 months
Madam Joyce (aged 52, Kaduna) reverses 10 years of high BP and drops all 2 meds within 3 months…
Madam Iheoma (Enugu) drops all medicines in less than 3 months…

73 year old Dad shares how he reversed all the diseases using his lifestyle…..