We lost him.
A very close friend to the family.
They say it was Covid-19…
Perhaps he also had an underlying condition.
Year 2020 was a really tough one for us…
Worst that it was barely two days after my birthday
I absolutely hate to think of it, because I find myself wishing I could have done something different to save him.
But honestly, since then something shifted deep down inside of me.
He was only 52 and full of life
Yet today we are forced to reference him in the past
Indeed, just one moment and it could be all over.
This is one reason since I found my IKIGAI, (my life’s true calling), I try to impact as many lives as I can.
Heck! Today is supposed tyo be my Birthday! My Happy Day…
Indulge me for reflecting on life.
But at least now you know why I have decided to share this with you – it is also one of my life’s mission to reach even more people on my BIG DAY
This is the fourth consecutive year I have been doing this.
Beyond what I have ever done during the full year.
This is my own way of celebrating life and giving back to the world and building a LEGACY!
Three years ago it was a 50% Price slash on all our Hypertension Africa online COURSES.
Two years ago it was a FREE PDF giveaway on Biggest Mistakes to avoid with High Blood Pressure Management and 63 people got it.
Last year was the first time we did a seven video BP control series. People loved it! more than 70 persons took advantage of the offer.
This year, we’re bringing it back Bigger and Better and adding a few hotter videos that will help you further.
SEVEN of our Top Training videos solving SPECIFIC PROBLEMS (around high blood pressure & complications for you).
If you have high blood pressure and experiencing any of the complications or difficulties we addressed in the videos.
We hardly ever make these videos available as standalones, except you’re enrolling in our Coaching Programme or DIY BP Crushing Program, But for today and next, you can have them and at least GET STARTED IMMEDIATELLY fixing those aspects of your health using our expert recommendations.
If you are my tribe…yes, my tribe are those READY to crush high BP NATURALLY using lifestyle as their medicine
aka Team Lifestyle not more meds!
This is also for your family and loved ones, Hypertension Africa Community,
this will HELP YOU become more in CONTROL of your health and more specifically Blood pressure.
Now, as a matter of principle
If I really wanted to help you, then I would ASK YOU to at least meet me halfway.
so, nope! IT IS NOT FREE
When you DEPOSIT a TINY COMMITMENT FEE, no matter how tiny, I immediately KNOW you would at least OPEN IT!
You will watch THEM or at least the ones that are priority to you and they will HELP YOU.
So, a fair, tiny commitment would be to ask you to pay less than the value of just one of the videos.
Fair Deal?
Actually, more than an insanely fair deal!
Pay N4,700 NOW or $10 only. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW or Do a Transfer
Hi, I am Pharm Chibuamam Ilechukwu, with over a decade of clinical experience.
I am the Founder of Hypertension Africa and creator of the High BP Reversal Program (HBR) which is where I work with clients very closely to achieve and maintain Normal Blood Pressures every single day, reverse complications & eliminate adverse effects in 90 days or less!
I have worked with hundreds of people just like you and we’ve created amazing health and body transformations for so many in record time!
This is just my own little way of creating BIG successes for you at close to zero cost to you…..
However, we can only do this for a limited time ONLY
Would you let me help you?
Grab my Birthday Bumper Offer now by clicking RED button right now!
See ya on the inside!