If You’re Still Struggling with Stubborn High Blood Pressure, Everyday Medicines & Painful Symptoms, then You’ve FAILED the FIRST STEP to NORMALIZING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE NATURALLY.


High BP Root Cause Workshop

And correct ALL YOUR MISTAKES IMMEDIATELY so that You Too Can Become Free From High BP

Without Taking Medicines Everyday!!!

These SECRETS I am about to REVEAL to you here on this page (and in much more DETAIL during the Workshop) are what you should have done since the very first day you saw your blood pressure reading above 140/90 mmHg

Blood Pressure Instrument

I can imagine,

You already watch your diet…

You already take your medications religiously…

You love your health and take out time to exercise…

Yet, it looks like your struggle with high blood pressure will never end

When you don’t take your medications for a day or two, your blood pressure immediately shoots right through the roof again

You are beginning to think that you might have to live with swallowing medications for the rest of your life…

…and endure the side effects of the different medications you may already be facing

like headaches, palpitations, chest pain, general weakness, cough, decreased libido, etc.

before you lose hope,

You’ll want to read this…




…Crush High Blood Pressure by Attacking the True Root Causes and Triggers of High BP

Mr Sunday, even with ‘ 80% effort’ is getting BP reading he has never seen for a whole year!

Testimonial 01

Chioma who suffered sleep problems and was on so many medicines for over seven years until she decided to TAKE THE FIRST STEP to High BP Freedom

Testimonial 02

Nkem who couldn’t sleep even after taking sleeping pills daily, has started over sleeping now…

Testimonial 03

Warning: Not knowing the root causes and triggers of your high BP means you can’t get long-lasting solutions

Now you might be thinking:

I have used some natural methods before, but it didn't provide a lasting solution.

How will this be different?

Let me ask you,

If you're having a leaky faucet at home, would you keep mopping the floor every day instead of finding out the exact spot where the leak is coming from and calling a plumber to fix it so the leak can stop… forever?

MEET Lagos-based Nkiru who crushed ELEVEN Complications of High Blood Pressure after applying this Little-Known Powerful Approach to Normalizing Blood Pressure

Testimonial 04

Listen To Her
Share Her Story


So How Exactly Did NKIRU & These Men and Women Do It?

In Simple Terms,
They all Used this “Root Cause” Principle.

This means that for you to completely NORMALIZE your Blood Pressure NATURALLY, you must BEGIN FROM THE ROOTS.

First, You Uncover ALL the Root Causes of the High Blood Pressure
Next, You Uproot ALL the Root Causes

And boom, the Problem is Completely Solved!


I can imagine you’re probably asking a lot of questions now ….

With a lot of “buts”

But If it were this easy, why hasn't anybody ever told me this before now?

My answer – maybe they also never knew THE ANSWER!

Or they never really wanted you to solve the problem completely.

Because think of it,
Who benefits when you need to swallow medicines every single day?

Who makes money when you buy three packs of hypertension teas… so that you can ‘cure High BP’ that will never go away anyway?

Who makes money when you have to keep refilling your prescription and visiting the hospital for checkups….

… and that is why nobody is going to ever take the pain to EXPOSE THIS SECRET TO YOU


(if truly you are bent on solving this problem once and for all) 

But seriously, very many people haven’t realized this yet 

Heck, I didn’t know this either. 

I learned this THE HARD WAY from my Father’s grueling and life-threatening fight with High Blood Pressure and four other conditions (Full Story for some other day)

BUT, If it's just the root cause, I know mine. It's simply hereditary- my mum had it or it's pregnancy-induced or it started when I had a financial setback or received bad news…

My answer – Yes, you’re thinking along the right lines.

Great thing you are aware of one or two of your triggers

However, I need you to pay close attention to this

Identifying only a couple of your triggers and not ALL is the surest way to make the problem continue to linger on for many more years

You must IDENTIFY ALL your High Blood Pressure Triggers or you will NOT achieve FREEDOM from high blood pressure

This is the reason your BP remains high even after you’ve cut down on salt intake

You’ve shed some weight

You’re doing exercises every day

you’ve cut off all soft drinks

Yet the moment you skip your medicines for a day or two or a week, your blood pressure goes back up

Even your Doctor will tell you

Hypertension does not have only one root cause
Hypertension does not affect only one organ –
And for as long as your blood pressure remains above 140/90mmHg, all your vital organs like your eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, brain and continue to get damaged little by little by little….

This is exactly how strokes, heart attacks, and the sudden death of a healthy-looking man or woman happen.

Did I hear you say God forbid?

I reply with an Amen!

But you and I know that prayer alone is never enough.


Are You Ready Now
To Uncover All Your Root Causes?

BUT, You Make it Sound so Easy, but I've suffered this for several years already. Can this still work for me?

My answer – I totally understand you…

And I am sorry you’ve had to carry this burden around for so long….

Still, I am proud of you for reading up till this point

Why though?

Why are you still on this page if you’ve given up on yourself already

Let me guess

Because deep down

Even though you act like all is fine,


I totally understand

Because I’ve worked with so many men and women just like you, who’ve carried this burden for eight, ten, thirteen, fifteen years

But they never gave up the hope of FREEDOM

By applying this same High BP Root Cause Principle they achieved it

I can proudly, yet very humbly say that we’ve cracked the code


And since 2019, when we started working with hypertensives just like you,

We identified the patterns,
Human behavior,
The source of the problems


So You’re Right
It’s not EASY to Crush High BP

However, the real question is


More Men & Women Just Like You Who Corrected their Mistakes & Now Enjoying Normal BP

Testimonial 01
Testimonial 02
Testimonial 03
Testimonial 07

Now you know


Your Next Step is to Uncover ALL the Root Causes of High Blood Pressure In your Life Right Now so that you can then go ahead to UPROOT THEM ALL

Then Join US at the High Blood
Pressure Root Cause Workshop

For Direct Bank Transfers: Please Pay ₦9,999
into 1024263871 UBA – Hypertension & Wellness Services Limited – Send Proof to Mr Precious at +234 913 004 6859 (WhatsApp) or

At the end of this
workshop, you will Know:

1. How to uncover the EXACT NUMBER of ALL the root causes of high blood pressure in your life aka your Triggers Number ™ so that you stop wasting your energy focusing on the wrong products or trials that won't work

2. How to Calculate Your ‘Heart Health RISKS NUMBER ™, so that you know EXACTLY how much at risk you are of a heart attack or stroke and how to prevent it

3. The Little Known Secret Powerful Method of Safely & Naturally UPROOTING ALL your High BP Triggers at Once, so you can enjoy long-lasting solutions to your health struggles without needing to swallow BP medicines every day.

(no hospital or pharmacy or even dietitian will ever teach you this)

Because We Always Over-Deliver,

When you REGISTER NOW you Access These Three Amazing Bonuses for FREE 

Bonus 1 – The DR-PRAC Pillars for Achieving and Maintaining Normal Blood Pressure for Several Years, So that you will never go back online searching for more high BP products to buy

Bonus 2 – High BP Freedom Action Plan Workbook (including your Triggers Checklist & Heart Health Instant Assessment ) as a PDF Download – so that  You have a Guide You can always refer to Even after the Workshop training has ended.

PDF File Bonus

Bonus 3 –
Live Question & Answer Session for Day 2,
So that you can ASK your burning questions directly

these are YOUR NEXT STEPS:

Once your payment is confirmed, you receive a Login Link where you put in your details and receive an Automatic Email Confirmation for Registration.

1. Put in your Details and the Onboarding Page Opens

2. Click on the link provided to Download your High BP Freedom Action Plan Workbook

3. Click on the Special YouTube link provided to Get a Reminder

4. Join the Workshop WhatsApp Group for Accountability & Reminders so you don't miss any of the sessions (totally optional).

All you have to do next is SHOW UP DURING THE LIVE Workshop and let's SOLVE THE FIRST STEP to your High BP Freedom together.



For just N9,999 / $25, you can GRAB YOUR SPOT NOW and get all the Bonuses delivered to you for FREE immediately.

However, this too-good-to-true offer is only valid for the first 50 people –

the price doubles immediately after we get to the 51st person…

…. OR once the Challenge begins.

Whichever one comes first, and trust me, our programs fill up fast!)

So are you one of the first 50?

Who am I and Why
Should You Listen to Me?

My name is Pharmacist
Chibuamam Ilechukwu.

With over a decade of clinical practice.
Over fifteen years ago, when my Father battled with excruciating pain from ankylosing spondylitis which led to hypertension and other chronic diseases, and despite all of these, following all his prescription medicines religiously never saved him

He nearly became crippled and unable to walk anymore. At the time we were forced to seek any form of alternative therapy.
We were willing to pay… any amount….to anybody….but there was no one

And it took him over two years to get results or get his body regenerated…
But gratefully, eventually, he completely reversed all these diseases without medicines.
That was how I got immersed into the little-known powerful world of non-drug therapy, complete holistic lifestyle medicine.
I have since bagged a Master’s degree in Pharmacognosy – the study of medicines from natural origin.

And since 2019, I began working with hypertensive patients and have successfully helped hundreds and thousands win the struggle against the disease.
We’ve since shortened recovery time for clients to as short as 3 months and even less compared to my Dad’s over two years recovery time.

This is the backstory of how I founded Hypertension Africa in 2021. We have remained the NUMBER ONE health coaching company helping people suffering from stubborn high blood pressure to completely reverse the disease naturally using the lifestyle-based High BP Reversal Method ™.

If This Programme Is This
Packed, Why Is It So Inexpensive?

You are right. The reason for this insane little fee is that at Hypertension Africa, we are a health coaching company. The best way we work with our clients is for at least three months and every step of the way until they completely reverse their symptoms, and complications and until their bodies are completely repaired from the inside out.

Our clients typically invest anywhere between $1000 – $2,000 or N250,000 – N500,000 for us to work with them.

And of course, we are well aware that not everyone can afford to work with us. Besides, not everyone has a big enough problem to even be a fit.

This is why from time to time, we organize Workshops and Challenges like this to help as many persons as possible who could not access our High BP Reversal Coaching Programme (HBR Programme).

However, as a rule of thumb, we only work with ‘COMMITTED INDIVIDUALS’ and we require you to pay a COMMITMENT FEE.

Are you SERIOUS?


Testimonial 07
Testimonial 13
Testimonial 14

As a Recap, Here’s What You Get
in the High BP Root Cause Workshop

1. How to uncover the EXACT NUMBER of ALL the root causes of high blood pressure in your life aka your Triggers Number ™ so that you stop wasting your energy focusing on the wrong products or trials that won't work

2. How to Calculate Your ‘Heart Health RISKS NUMBER ™, so that you know EXACTLY how much at risk you are of a heart attack or stroke and how to prevent it

3. The Little Known Secret Powerful Method of Safely & Naturally UPROOTING ALL your High BP Triggers at Once, so you can enjoy long-lasting solutions to your health struggles without needing to swallow BP medicines every day (no hospital or pharmacy or even dietitian will ever teach you this) Because We Always Over-Deliver,

You Also Access These
Three Amazing Bonuses for FREE

Bonus 1 – The DR-PRAC Pillars for Achieving and Maintaining Normal Blood Pressure for Several Years, So that you will never go back online searching for more high BP products to buy


Bonus 2 – High BP Freedom Action Plan Workbook (including your Triggers Checklist & Heart Health Instant Assessment ) as a PDF Download – so that  You have a Guide You can always refer to Even after the Workshop training has ended.

Bonus 3 –
Live Question & Answer Session for Day 2,
So that you can ASK your burning questions directly

Are you IN or OUT?


If you’ve read up until this point, then there’s basically only ONE of TWO ACTIONS you can take right now

Option one

You shake your head and say, hmmm….sounds interesting, but I don’t believe you. So you hiss and click away.

promising yourself you’d figure it out on your own.

Declaring you’d do better with your exercises and all your numbers efforts of all these years (which have never worked up till this moment)

You commit to watching hours of any and many YouTube videos that mention hypertension

Unfortunately the weeks, months, and even years roll by

you may now have scarier diagnoses like insomnia, diabetes, palpitations, great enlargements or you may need more medications for worsened symptoms (hypertension only gets worse over time)
You may now need to swallow six or seven tablets every day to get by

You find yourself looking all over the Internet for ‘Hypertension Africa’

Because whether you realize it or not, we’ve planted the right seeds within your heart on this page

We’ve taught you the High BP Root Cause Law ™ on this Page.

We’ve also shown you many real men and women like you who have used it and already crushing it



But you allowed your self-doubt and all the ‘buts’ in your head to stop you from TAKING ACTION IMMEDIATELY

No, this is not bad luck.
This is a real-life story we’ve seen happen time and time again

And some of them are lucky when they get back they become some of our best clients, sharing the good news with others.

Some are not so lucky.
Some find our Program rates may even have doubled by the time they’re back, but they’re left with no other options.

Do you really want to be this person?

Option Two

You scroll to the Bottom of this Page and SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY

Because you realize that you actually have nothing to lose by being in this Workshop.

What’s the worst-case scenario?

Even if we gave you only half of all we’ve promised here

And even if you already know “where all your health problems are coming from”

But in this Workshop you now learn your Heart Health Risk Number and how to protect it

You learn how to Uproot All your Triggers at Once

You learn the DR-PRAC Formula ™ for Achieving and Maintaining Normal BP

You get your own Action Plan Workbook

Even if you just learned all this,

Would the tiny COMMITMENT FEE of N9,999 or $25 which you would still spend anyway on perhaps another box of medicines or supplements

Or even on food

But will end up not improving your health

You realize that you actually even gain more than 100% by just SIGNING UP IMMEDIATELY.

Because if you learned just half of these, your heart would Thank You.

You will never remain the same.

Are you Option Two- I Must Improve My Health?

Then Click on the Button Below Now

I’m totally rooting for you

See you on the inside

FAQ – Frequently Asked
Questions About The Root
Cause Workshop

Full Disclaimer – as with everything in life, the RESULTS you get from this Workshop depend on the ACTIONS you take during the Workshop, like showing up, answering the questions, filling your Action Plan Workbook and actions AFTER the Workshop, implementing what we teach you to do to UPROOT your problematic triggers.

We have shown you people who take ACTION, the sort of results that can be gotten from applying our principles.

So, over to you, what actions are you willing to take during the Workshop?

And what RESULTS do you wish to get?

The workshop will be held on the 28th and 29th of April, 2024. It will be held on YouTube LIVESTREAM.

No, you do not discontinue medications just because you attend our Workshop. The high BP reversal and getting weaned off medications is a process. We would explain the step-by-step process, which is Doctor-approved. You can only get off medicines when your body has repaired itself and you now get normal BP readings without medicines. We teach you the process and how to safely achieve this during the LIVE workshop.

The workshop is designed to accommodate diverse schedules and needs.
However registering for this Workshop gives you access to the replays.